Perpetual Growth Crypto - Market Update: July 5, 2017

in #crypto-news8 years ago


Market Update

Litecoin gets its due this week as Charlie Lee's visit to China seems to have reinvigorated support for Litecoin. Dash is back over $200 again today as well. I expect confidence in crypto to rebound over the next month but I don't think we'll see the lion's share of the money heading back into Ethereum and Bitcoin; not until after August 1 at least.


Crypto Events



I would love to know what's on your events/trading calendar! Please leave comments, questions, love, and suggestions below.


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New to crypto? Here are some helpful links!

Buying crypto?
Use Coinbase to buy and sell BTC, ETH, and LTC using my referral link and we both get $10 when you buy your first $100 in coin!

Coinbase alternative
Try Changely


Price Information

This article is not intended for and should not be construed as financial advice. Do your own research before investing and never risk more than you can lose!


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Bitcoin: 17KjLN1SLrWVHcuz1sih6hU2nLTECJvwpT
Ether: 0x16360998526cead5cb6804ff4fc4798593f4a98d
Litecoin: LdTP9gzG9SmnyHo9GPzhZ4dG6jfqjKSk3D
Dash: XnEe4Jx8xAXBm76fuKBXKxUsMLavPzBkNm
Golem: 0x16360998526cead5cb6804ff4fc4798593f4a98d

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