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RE: BREAKING NEWS - Winklessvoss ETF Appeal Denied By The SEC

in #crypto-news7 years ago

I don't think that a marriage between crypto and establishment can happen without the surrender of crypto to absolute control. What establishment wants is Ripple, but what the rest of the people really want is Monero without realizing it.

I remember Andreas Antonopoulos saying that they play in a gilded cage. It prevents establishment money from playing in the field of crypto to a large extent. I think that there's a sort of karmic lesson here; that this invention is not for the establishment, but for the financially excluded.

It would be horrible if establishment could get in right away and use their manipulation to shake out 3rd world hodlers so that the really big money can buy in really cheap. The Jamie Dimon's of this world cry bitcoin is a fraud and the JP Morgans suck up the blood in the streets.

Let them be excluded. This 1776 moment should be reserved for the 5.5 billion people in the world who have little. Bitcoin will protect them from being shaken down by governments through the stealth theft of QE.