Right now there are around 4700 LEOMM sold and 200 LEOM sold. This is 20000 tickets going for those 30 X 24 spots a day (720). As more LEOMM and LEOM are sold, the odds of getting LEO will decrease. Unless the value of LEO goes up, the miners will become a worse deal. Right now the value of LEOMM is maximum 6 Steem, the value of LEO and LEOM are 2 Steem. The price won't rise unless the Steem.Leo account sells out. With less than 10% sold and the potential returns in LEO decreasing with each one sold, it may take awhile to get any value out of it.
I have LEOMM, too . I am not really tempted to buy more. Going for 50 at once is really interesting.
Yes, it is good to see how LEOMM performs in the next week or so.