● ZijaCoin (ZIJA) is diffrerent than usually cryptocurrencies becouse Zija is a CRYPTO BRAND
ZIJA is a PoS + MasterNode based coin.
ZijaCoin was created by people who have proffesional on their jobs : IT, Automation, Advertising.
● Zija Futures
ZIJA shop is full of ZijaCoin IT products which can help not only increase your income, but also open your online business. All the products we offer, are of premium quality.
● Zija has listed on exchanger :
● Zija Masternode have a big daily earning you can check :
you can see how much daily earning, weekly earning and yearly earning. That is so high RoI if compare with another PoS coin.
● Zija coin specification :
Ticker : ZIJA
Block time: 60 seconds
Coin Maturity: 30 minutes
Max supply: 21.000.000 ZIJA
Masternode collateral: 2525 ZIJA
Reward structure:
- 60% Masternode
- 25% POS
- 15% Governance
Block rewards
1 - 50 (PREMINE) 20 000 ZIJA
51 - END (≈ 5 YEARS): 8,0067 ZIJA
● Zija links
information_source️ Website - http://zija.icu/
link Zija block explorer - http://explorer.zija.icu/
key Download Wallet
Windows - http://zija.icu/download/zija-1.0.0-setup.exe
AppleMac - http://zija.icu/download/Zija-Core.dmg
Linux - http://zija.icu/download/zija-qt
Github - https://github.com/smartinsider/zijacoin
Telegram news - https://t.me/Zijanews
Developer`s diary - https://twitter.com/SmartyInsider
BitcoinTalk - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4883319.0