How Binance Distributes GAS to NEO Holders
All NEO holders on Binance will get GAS which is produced by NEO monthly. The details are as follows.
1. Statistical Method
GAS distribution number = total distribution number of GAS * NEO holder position ratio (with 8 digits after the decimal point)
NEO holders position ratio = sum of daily position number for NEO holders/ sum of daily position number for all NEO users
The daily position number is based on daily snapshot of NEO.
2. Distribution Time
Before 12am. of the second nature day in every month.
The statistics will start at the day one of Binance. The time of the first snapshot is 8am. on July 14th, 2017.
3. Demonstration of the Rule
User A is in the scope of statistics, and A hold NEO for three days which have 30, 300 and 60 respectively. Therefore, the sum of daily NEO position is 390.
Assume that the total distribution number of GAS is 1000 in this month, and sum of daily position number for all NEO users is 600000;
Thus, the actual distribution number of user A = 1000*390/600000=0.65
I wish most days that i had got in to Neo earlier in the game. Great profits were made and re-incurring profits made by the distribution of gas :)
yea right