The purpose of cryptocurrency is to decentralize the economy, and with the fast acceptance of the currency, it nullifies its purpose if it can't be used to carry out transactions.
Graft is here to make it easier for cryptocurrencies to be directly used to purchase items, so easily.
this acts as the medium for merchants and business owners to accept cryptocurrencie without much trouble.
Global Real-TimeAuthoriations And Funds Transfer (GRANT)
Graft is a decentralized payment network. With Grant 0 fee is charged to the buyer, instead, very minute fee is charged from the merchant at the point of payment, Graft allows you the buyer, to choose the currency to use and the merchant, the desired currency of acceptance. so in both cases, your desires are prioritized.
Global Real-time Authorizations and Funds Transfers, which is a decentralized global open platform for processing real-time authorizations and settlements of merchant payments and fund transfers using untraceable blockchain, decentralized API, and an open community of service brokers that support a variety of payment and payout methods, including cryptocurrencies, cryptographic tokens, and traditional credit cards and bank
transfers. Whitepaer
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