Collaboration Over The BlockChain Through DAOstack

in #crypto6 years ago


The **impact** of the internet is somewhat boundless.. endless.. limitless (basically, any positive word with a "less" that comes to mind),yet it still doesn't seem to satisfy our ever growing needs due to some of its rigid structure. With the advent of the blockchain, we are witnessing new horizons and feats, but there is still the need to solve some of the problems posed by the "Internet's rigid structure, here comes **DAO** Decentralized Autonomous Organization ,which solves the open-source problem at a go and includes some other core features.


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What is DAO?

DAOs are open, blockchain implemented and self-executing code centered around shared or coporate goals. DAOs are **Open** being that its resources are open (such as a open-source code "think of github on blockchain"), hereby giving DAO the ability to scale indefinitely while keeping its predefined structure, **blockchain implemented** being that DAOs were created on the blockchain, making them as secure and decentralized as can be, , also with **self-executing code** DAOs implements a "rule inside a rule" that helps them change and be upgradable.

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DAOstack serves as an operating system for DAOs, hereby providing open-source creators globally to jointly produce decentralized applications "DApps".

Up until now, companies or organisations run by only increasing their efficiency with respect to their competition, this may seem cost effective, but presents a number of problems; trying to maintain the speed of operation of the organisation with respect to the rapidly increasing conditions, preserving the company's organisational structure (interest,trusts established, etc) as it is increasing and so more. Companies seem to improve on their efficiency and cost effectiveness when there is an improvement in their technology, as this will bring about a change in the company's operations,work and business activities.

"A useful example is the introduction of the internet into the printing press, this allowed for information exchange on a global level hereby forcing printing press companies still in the business of printing hard copied books to reduce prints and focus more on digitizing these books as most of their customers where on the internet". This use-case poses a company X which will need to respond quickly as their competition will also be on the move on digitization, hereby company X will have to ensure it preserves interests, trust of customers and so on as it increases.


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The internet has posed a viable solution but not the "main solution", here DAO proves to be the main and sole solution through:

The Blockchain

Enabling value and businesses to be open and accessible, the blockchain has proven to be the second internet revolution. The blockchain eliminates the need for an intermediary or issues of fault and trust through the use of smart contracts which forms the "foundation" of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). This then begs the question of how will DOAs be governed and how will they operate?


Agencies or interchangeably called "smart companies" are the building blocks of DOAs, as it is a modular governing system that operates using smart contracts on the blockchain. Agencies have their own token, reputation system and their own governance system according to rules encoded into the smart contracts.

For example, "imagine the Grammy Award voting system on blockchain (using a DApp) having their own token called "Gramz", with a rule (encoded into the smart contract) that a maximum of 3 gramz can be bought by every user per week, the users would be able to vote their favorite artiste nominee based on the number of gramz available in their wallet (reputation system enforced through smart contracts) hereby leading to a free and fair voting excercise".


Incorruptibility Using DAOstack

The use case stated above proves very useful in explaining how DAOs will improve how companies run, as it will not only reduce the cost in acquiring third party voting collators or agents,panel of judges, etc and improve efficeincy as automation will take over hereby allowing the company focus on other goals.

With the existing practices, companies are "sub-scalable" making them less effective as they increase in agents and decisions to make. Unlike DOA, which is a "super-scalable organization" that thrives upon increased agents and resources while still preserving the company's mission, structure and goal in mind.

Why DAOstack ?

DAO so far is an abstract concept where basic users may not interact with directly, [DAOstack]( is an operating system for Decentralized Autonomous Organisations (DOAs) through which open-source creators can create an interface (DApps) for which users can interact with DOAs. [DAOstack]( on blackchain can be likened to WordPress for the web.

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A Sketch of DAOstack

How Is DAOstack Implemented ?

DAOstack is implemented using the following technologies or tools;

Arc is an easy to use framework governing the agencies on the blockchain, providing users with an open library of modules and templates for creating DOAs that can evolve based on the users need. Arc implements smart contracts by breaking down governance (reputation) systems following some set of rules and variables.

Arc is designed ensuring; Generality, where Arc will support an indefinite number of governance elements such as improved governance rule sets, new templates, modules and so on . , Modularity, where changes can be made to modules without having any need to edit or change the whole operating system . ,Simplicity, as Arc is designed globally for all users ensuring a simple and usuable workspace . Upgradability where the governance structure can always be upgraded to use new schemes to DAOs as well as new changes . Interoperability as Arc will ensure interaction and cooporation between agencies and DAOs. and Openness, as DAOstack will be an open-source where users can create their own unique governance modules or DApps, also creating a rich package of resources for other users .

Arc is a Solidity framework, which requires knowledge of the Solidity smart-contract programming language and the Ethereum blockchain. To avoid this complexity, Arc.js was built.

Arc.js is a Javascript library built on top of Web3.js (Ethereums's Javascript Api), which can be called directly in a Javascript environment without the knowledge of Solidity programming laguage.

The ArcHives
ArcHive are shared and curated records of Arc as this will be a central point for data integrity and quality. ArcHives will also be a source of open-ecosystem monetization, as described below;

Compendium is the "app store" of DAOstack, which records all approved governance modules by the DAOstack expert community. Here, developers will pay GENs ( DAOstack token ) to deploy these modules onto compendium while it will also cost GENs for other users to make use of these modules.

Mosaic acts a registry on DAOstack that records a list and Metadata of all agencies and DAOs deployed through the Arc framework. Mosaic will ensure interoperability as it incorporates a search engine for quick discovery. It will cost GENs to register an organisation on Mosaic.

The Hive
The Hive acts as a community where inventors,professionals ,influencers and stakeholders can meet each other within different organizations. It can be used to promote business activities and will cost GENs.

Alchemy is designed by DAOstack developers as a native DApp which makes it easy to interface with agencies, DAOs, configure rule set, collaborate with other users on projects, increase decision making and so on.


DAOstack GEN Economy

The GEN Economy

Agencies, DAOs and Decentralized Applications (DApps) are all based on a circlar token economy. The general ideas is that tokens will be distributed for value and it revolves around the 3 above listed "building blocks".

The DApp model will be the main avenue for GENs distribution as developers and other users will be actively involved. The success of the DApp will further improve the demand for GENs, the higher the demand for GENs the higher its value.

DAOstack is a DAO that involves the following categories; decentralized collaboration the incentivization of users to contribute to DAOstack and its ecosystem,decentralized cooperative,investing-in and promoting projects on DAOstack and expecting return on investments, and decentralized curation network Once a center of focus is established in a network, contents are posted and promoted on the network with a reward of tokens or a deduction of reputation upon bad contents.


DAOstack Powered by The Ethereum BlockChain

The DAOstack Network is powered by the Ethereum Blockchain and is set to revolutionize DAOs today, be part of the revolution :)


DAOstack Team

For more information:

DAOstack Website
DAOstack Summary
DAOstack WhitePaper
DAOstack Twitter
DAOstack Telegram
DAOstack Reddit
DAOstack Github
DAOstack Medium
DAOstack YouTube
DAOstack Token Sale FAQ

This is post is an entry to @originalworks contest

Do well to check it out :)

Kind Regards.
