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RE: Well, it looks like the bubble has officially popped

in #crypto7 years ago

jrcornel, Do not sell your crypto! This is a market correction, & much needed in order for crypto to go forward. Crypto has been stagnant for several months. Without a solid market correction, it will stay stagnant. We need crypto to fall as low as it can go so the whales will come back in & take it back up. That's how works. There are many people sitting on the sidelines just waiting for what they believe will be the rock bottom price. One of my best friends pulled out all of his assets right as the market started falling, months ago. He's sitting on the edge, calculating when to get back in. There are a lot of investors like him. Once it drops low and hits its bounce, it will most likely go forward and soar again.

One year ago Bitcoin was valued at $1,000. You have to look at the progression over several years and look at where it's heading a year from now, two years from now, three and so on. I think 3 years ago Etherium was less than a dollar.

Don't be discouraged. Crypto is on sale! I bought some of my coins too high too. Silly me, I bought an ETH for $700 a few months ago because it was down from its $1500 high. I've been kicking myself ever since, but don't think I'm not cost averaging right now with a beautiful sweet new ETH for $250, Lol.

Pay attention to what's happening behind the scenes in the world of developments. Cryptocurrency is here to stay.

Watch some of the experts who can give you motivation. You only lose money if you bail out in the FUD. Hang on for the ride & HODL. Good luck!


I agree with much of this. Though there is no telling which cryptos are here to stay. Bitcoin is the most likely, though even that one is not a guarantee.