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RE: My 6 Figure Crypto Income - And Why Most Are Not Successful

in #crypto7 years ago

Thanks for sharing your wisdom. You are right. Until we change our beliefs the knowledge we have doeskin really do much for us. We can study the wealthy and successful and acquire all the knowledge they have to offer us, but if our beliefs don't align with what we just learned nothing will come to fruition.

This reminds me of a book I read recently "Secrets of the millionaire mindset" all about changing our beliefs around money. Great read that helped me change the way I look at wealth and why my subconscious was stopping me from accumulating more resources.

Thanks for the great post and keep up the good work!


The Millionaire Mindset is exactly right - I learned this perspective from Phil Laut, and the book 'Money is my Friend', then it took me many years of building little successes to rewrite the way I was thinking and feeling about money.

Now the difference is so profound to me that I began to wonder why I didn't 'get it' all along. That was the inspiration for the post I wrote on The Big LIE of FIAT Monetary System