There Once Was A Troll On Facebook...

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)

"please enlighten us on how the crypto market cycles work"

What have I been doing here for the past year?

"Think like a whale" he says then follows it with a screenshot meant to be a whale talking, apologizing for you losing money, talking about cheap prices, and so on.
much wow.png
Think. Like. A. Whale. So deep. much wow.


Let me take a moment and tell you how a whale thinks.

  1. Whales don't give a damn if they separate you from your money. That's the entire game. A market is literally a zero sum game.
  2. Whales don't whine online about a bear market. Every market stage is an opportunity.
  3. Whales are better than you.
    • They're better at you at trading.
    • They're better than you at controlling their emotions.
    • They're better at reading markets.
    • They're better than you at spreading whatever sentiment they want spread.
  4. Whales are profiting in this market, maybe even more than they did in Fall 2017.
  5. Whales are not "out" until ____ (insert whatever the hell price/regulatory/trend fantasy you have there).
  6. Whales are in and winning with every market movement. Volatility is whales making money and noobs forking it over.
  7. Whales were never charged high prices. ICO's? You mean those token sale things? Oh no honey, they buy equity not digital gift cards for services they'll never use. They even got some tokens fo free on top! Ah yes, do you feel the post ICO dump? Whales do "seed round" and not "token sale".
  8. "Restock", my friend, no one is "restocking", at this point in the game, their cost is damn near zero. Whales may be "accumulating", but they aren't "restocking". This isn't the grocery store. Whales aren't low on pop and crisps.
  9. Whales aren't playing the FA game, they're known for painting the TA game, and spreading sentiment in the SA game, but FA is just a way for you to buy things you'll never use.
  10. Whales know FA in a tech without major adoption is bullshit. You can have the greatest thing ever and at the end of the day, a network is only as valuable as the connections it creates.
  11. Whales know how to short. Bears or bulls, no matter, there's profit for that.


Now, are you ready to learn? You ready to stop forking it over? Ready to stop whining?

  1. Stop listening to people shilling you their shitcoin of choice.
  2. Stop trading against whales. Trade with them or lose to them.
  3. Stop thinking whatever you bought is the next Bitcoin, the next Ethereum... *(FFS even saw someone asking for the next Bitconnect recently).*
  4. "But it could be, you just don't know how amazeballs ___ is! Do you even know anything about ____?!" ... If you ever find yourself saying something like this, look in the mirror and repeat "Stop putting a ring on shitcoins" until it sinks in.
  5. As I'm known for telling Joe Blackburn during Fall 2017, "When you're happy and you know it, sell."
  6. Read the Wolong GoD pdf ( ) , yes it's 7 pages, but you'll learn to stop being separated from your money chasing pumps.
  7. Learn how to recognize a hype cycle. Learn the stages and how to exit in a good place.

    From my course site's Facebook page
    hype cycles.png

  8. FA? Ha. FA is used to push sentiment. TA is just a mathematical representation of sentiment.
  9. Take profits, protect your capital. Get your capital out and lock in profits. Lower your costs and not by buying more.
  10. Accept losses. Accepting and cutting losses quickly is your BFF. Losses are hard to recover from when you let them run.


Want more of my shitposting? Follow me on Twitter!


Way to go Ash!!!
Lot of great pointers, especially about whales not whining about the bear market, and securing profits!
Your book is gonna rock!