I sent a message to Telegram group but a bot banned me!
Is there another email other than the general help one on the website which i might get a quicker response from?Hi @bartertradeio I need some help with buying BART
Forget last message. After about 4 hours of research and playing with setting on Brave and Metamask i finally figured it out and bought a Big Bunch of BART :-)
But if you can help get me unbanned from the Telegram group it would be good please.
I sent a message to Telegram group but a bot banned me!
Is there another email other than the general help one on the website which i might get a quicker response from?Hi @bartertradeio I need some help with buying BART
Forget last message. After about 4 hours of research and playing with setting on Brave and Metamask i finally figured it out and bought a Big Bunch of BART :-)
But if you can help get me unbanned from the Telegram group it would be good please.