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Today, it will be a playground on which you can trade music. True, only his: pirates and anyone who tries to cleanly cash in on poor talented performers, there are not happy. But if you, for example, an electronics engineer and make great club sets, masterly improvise on the guitar, amaze listeners with the skill of performing classical works, VOISE should try to download their records. At once it is necessary to make a reservation: crowds of buyers on service are not observed yet, the platform has just opened and just grows. At the height of the first stage of the advertising campaign, and today it is important for creators to attract a maximum of musicians, so as not to scare off the first buyers with empty counters.
Who knows the music business from the inside or tried to sell their tracks (and the first sites selling someone else's music online at retail, appeared more than 20 years ago), will confirm that only a performer of the level of Madonna or Julio Iglesias can make big money on a large platform of iTunes class. If you are not among the celebrities yet, there is a huge chance that among the hits your creations just will not notice.Β
They'll hang out somewhere on the 60th page of the search, that's all. And on the first page there will be hits from TV screens and promo, paid by the producers of the ad. The VOISE platform is interesting because it is perfect for novices and experimental musicians who create non-commercial music. It's no secret that at least 70% of modern hits are made under the market, under ready demand, and are a kind of musical stamping. To the format of such music and ways of satisfying the mass musical needs, the world is used to and does not care about monotony.
The hit is boring - the fast flow of the pop market takes him to the past, and the vacant seat takes the same faceless, but rhythmic and professionally knocked down hit. Everybody is happy, except gifted musicians and music lovers, who are not satisfied with the quality of the mainstream for a long time and unconditionally. But let us return from the pleasant but useless morphisms into a pragmatic reality.
How to earn money on VOICE?
In fact, this is the simplest question with the simplest answer. To start earning, you only need:
- Register on the site and it's easy to do.
- Design a home page in the system so that anyone who likes the compositions could learn more about their author. Photos, brief information about yourself and links to social accounts are welcome.
- Upload tracks along with information about them. A short demo version, in the event that the sale is on the track, and not distributed for free, it is also advisable to attach it. And, of course, it is worth adding "carpets" - scans of landscape printing.
- Wait until the buyer notices the track, admires and buys.
Let me make a couple of clarifications. First, it was mentioned that the price may be absent, and this is true. Distribute to VOISE is free, but only their own compositions. Do not forget: strangers - no-no! Except for the situation in which you are not the author, but the copyright owner.Β
And about the point 4: of course, you can not wait at the sea for weather, and in every possible way to advertise your new page in the system somewhere on the expanses of social networks. Give the search engines, feed the link aggregators. The more sites get to know about you, the faster the search engines will set the path to listeners for your music.
If you do not want to sell (and buying and selling on VOISE has its own specific features), you can turn on the donation collection mode by actually putting the hat on the asphalt. I liked it, I do not mind the dollar - that's the hat, you can quit, support a talented musician. If someone is generous, a hatchet appears in the hat, several VOISE tokens. What is VOISE toke - read on.
Own crypto currency
To start this project, the creators needed initial capital, in other words they needed investments. Taking a loan from a bank for such an undertaking is not the best option. Banks are generally reluctant to lend online projects: the profitability of start-ups is difficult to calculate, and the liquidity of what remains in the event of a collapse is usually negligible. But the network has many internal opportunities to find investors. The so-called ICO project was launched, somewhat reminiscent of crowdsanding and at the same time the issue of securities, only papers were issued in this case digital.
Voise tokens are crypto-currency units that were generated and distributed to investors, or rather, investors bought them for real money and for crypto currency. At the first stage of development, while investors hold a VOISE token in anticipation of growth and progress, the music trade on VOISE goes for these very tokens. Immediately make a reservation, if you do not have voise tokens or if you have never dealt with crypto-currencies, there can be difficulties, and it's better to wait until the service gets its own payment terminal. It is promised to include it in the second half of 2018. If you do not want to wait, you can learn everything in practice. It's quick and easy.
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