SmartCash is the exclusive sponsor of Reality Check w/Ben Swann and in this episode of Sponsor Spotlight we will tell you about 3 verticals that set SmartCash apart from other crypto. Check out SmartCash for yourself at
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Goodbye Dash, hello Smartcash ?
I did see a Steemit article highlighting the differences.
The world of crypto moves quickly !
Smart cash added all the things I hated about Dash and keeped all the qualities I loved. I am in.
I still love what Dash is doing especially in Venezuela but SmartCash is making massive progress. 1 coin will always equal 1 vote in SC.
@cattledog thanks for reading my original article You are so right the crypto world does move very quickly! #SmartCash in terms of technology has exceeded my expectations. Visit us on [discord] to find more like minded people.
@benswann : What do I need to do to get SmartCash?
You can buy SmartCash directly from the Web Wallet using Changely or via one of the supported exchanges.
CASH will always be KING. I will never fully support digital anything . Its a great add on just like an app or add on to a video game , but it will never replace a properly backed note .