It is very common that in the society, when the economies are not stable, people begin to look for alternatives to obtain additional gains apart from those obtained in their daily work.
With the arrival of cryptocurrencies, there is also one of these options called faucets or taps, which are basically web pages that give away these currencies in exchange for the resolution of captchas or just by looking at advertisements.
The advantage is that they do not put conditions on you, that is, they do not have to be at a specific time, you do not have to invest and you can do it several times a day if it is to your liking, dedicating as much time as you can.
The faucets, are methods that attract a lot of attention, especially for the new members of the crypto community because they offer different types of coins, among which are bitcoin, litecoin, dash and bitcoin cash. However, note that the rewards are small fractions, no one is advised to take this as a fixed job.
Another benefit of this method is that it is a way to enter the world of cryptocurrencies, since there is still a certain degree of ignorance, and in this way observe a little the trend in the market and make a better selection if you decide to invest .
On the other hand, by participating in these pages there is no real risk and exposure to characteristic volatility is avoided.
Its operation is basically based on publicity and visitor traffic, that is to say, clicking or with each view is how these sites obtain income to then reward users. In the same way they work with a system of referrals or affiliates which is profitable both for the web and for the person.
It's very easy to found this web sites, just searching "crypto faucets" in google, and they swhow you a list of those.
Any good faucets to recommend?
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