3 Steps to Optimize Your Twitter Timeline for Crypto Profits 10x 🚀🌙

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)

Hi all,

A friend of mine recently told me a story of how he was able to make a few hundred dollars profit (m00n?) with cryptocurrency trading simply be following the right people on Twitter.

In this particular instance they were able to buy in on a coin just as news broke that it was being introduced to a new exchange.

This allowed my friend to get in while it was cheap and sell quickly for a few hundred dollars profit! Of course, not every tweet is going to be as impactful as that one example - BUT by having that useful information readily available my friend was able to make a nice profit very quickly!

This post will help you curate your Twitter timeline to get only the best, most useful cryptocurrency news at your fingertips (without signing up for annoying SMS/push notifications)

  1. Follow all legit, relevant newsbreakers for the specific coins you want to follow (this helps filter out spam).

    Without this crucial step you get a LOT of this rubbish:

  1. Use this spreadsheet I created to click through to relevant tag of that currency e.g $BTC

This spreadsheet is particularly useful because the links from the sheet ONLY show tweets from accounts YOU follow. So you wan't see any of those "RT for a chance to win 100 shitcoin" Tweets.

  1. (Optional) If a particular currency is not listed, you can create your own link by using this URL:


In this instance the EXAMPLE would be changed to that particular currencies ticker symbol e.g BTC

twitter.com/search?s=follows&vertical=default&q=%24BTC &src=typd