How To Earn A Passive Income With NFTs?

in #crypto6 months ago

Non-fungible tokens have taken the digital world by storm by offering a unique way for creators to protect, store, and sell their work for fair value. Anyone can tokenize their valuable/rare assets through NFTs and use them to earn money or make passive income. This article discusses some top ways to earn an income from non-fungible tokens.

What are NFTs and why should you care?

NFTs are a kind of crypto tokens created and maintained on a blockchain. A non-fungible token can be used to represent any unique or rare digital asset such as real estate, art, gold, music, video, tweet, or anything else that might have some value. NFTs can be transferred from one user to another but they cannot be replaced or divided.

NFTs have many benefits. They can be used to fractionalize and tokenize any large illiquid asset such as real estate to increase liquidity and enable 24/7 online trading with full transparency and security. NFTs also make it easy to verify the ownership and authenticity of such tokenized assets. You can even earn an income from your NFTs without needing to sell them.

How do you use NFTs to earn a passive income?

If you’ve got some NFTs that you’d like to make money from, here are some top ways to earn money from your NFTs without selling them.

Even if you don’t already have NFTs but are looking for a passive income, creating or buying an NFT is as easy as anything.

1. Real Estate NFT
If you have real estate properties, there are numerous ways to earn a passive income from them, including NFTs. You can tokenize your properties on the blockchain, i.e. convert them into NFTs. This will fractionalize your large property into smaller tokens, which you can sell more easily to buyers worldwide. Or you can put your NFTs on rent and earn an annual yield.

Alternatively, you can directly buy real estate NFTs on platforms like BitStake, where you can choose from a wide collection of premium real estate, including apartments and houses, that pays an annual yield in the range of 11–12%.

2. Stake Your NFTs
If you have NFTs that you’d like to make money from, NFT staking is one way to do that. Platforms such as NFTX and Binance NFT let users stake their NFTs to earn a passive income paid in the form of additional tokens on staked assets. It involves locking up your NFTs into the platform’s contract for a certain period to help maintain the blockchain’s security and transactions. In exchange, you’re rewarded with staking tokens periodically.

3. Rent or Lend NFTs
Don’t want to stake? Then, you can consider renting or lending your NFTs to other users for a fee. This will allow the renter/lender to use your tokens for a specific period while you remain the owner. You’ll receive a prespecified rent for the duration for which you rent or lend your NFTs. This concept is particularly popular in industries such as online gaming.

Platforms such as SuperRare allow users to rent their NFTs, while you can use websites like to lend or borrow using NFTs.

4. NFT Farming
If you’re looking to get more actively involved in NFT passive income, NFT farming is the way to go. Here, you have to stake your NFTs into a pool of NFTs, in return for which you receive additional NFTs as a reward. NFT farming works similarly to token (yield) farming. Many DeFi platforms offer this facility, allowing NFT holders to contribute their tokens to the liquidity pool to earn rewards.

5. Royalties on NFTs
If you have an asset that can pay royalty, such as a music album, a book or a painting, you can turn it into an NFT with a royalty feature. This will allow you to receive a royalty on your creation even after you sell it. The amount of royalty you receive depends on the NFT’s market value and appreciation. Not only do you get the fair market price of your royalty-based NFT when you sell it but also you stand to receive a royalty (commission), usually in the range of 5–10 percent, every time that NFT is resold. This is, in fact, the best way for artists to earn passive income from their creative work NFTs.

6. NFT Index Funds or ETFs
NFT index funds are similar to traditional index funds. The index creator combines some popular or high-potential NFTs to form an index fund. Instead of buying individual NFTs, you can buy an NFT index. The benefits involve reduced risk and passive management.

Conclusion: Earn A Passive Income with NFTs
The NFT market is on a roll. Make the most of your NFT knowledge, skills, and interest by investing in passive income NFTs that can pay you a steady income without needing active management. Real estate NFTs, NFT staking, NFT lending, and NFT loyalties are some great ways to generate a passive income through NFTs. Make sure to do your research when investing in cryptocurrencies.



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