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RE: Crypto: Hope for Venezuela?

in #crypto6 years ago

I grew up in hyperinflation. Being born in former republic of Yugoslavia gave me chance to have my childhood in a country lead by crazy/greedy politicians and on top of that we had wars. So, like that wasn't enough, I grew up as a Serb kid. Clinton's administration had its fun satanizing Serbs through media (CNN, Fox, Washington Post, BBC, The Guardian, you name it...). So basically my people were in war with whole western world lead by the US. That was the time when US was the sole world police officer. The time without Russia and China as global powers. My father was for 5 years absent from the home because he was fighting the war which was won by the IMF, The World Bank, big corporations, politicians and war profiteers. So, nobody give a fuck about some Serb children. As matter of fact in the western world we were considered as offsprings of the last European savages. (Although Tesla, Pupin, Milnakovic and many more were Serbs).
So, I kinda feel for Venezuelans. But, although I grew up in shitty place and still I had happy childhood. Maybe I'm just that type of person which remember only good things and forget bad stuff. But I'm thinking that I'm just raised in that way where I appreciate only those things which can't be affected by the modern consumerism. Man, when I was 8 years old we used petroleum lamp and had TV running only once a week with only 2 channels on it (end of 20th century). And we were happier than nowadays children. My 3yrs old daughter has 100€ worth tablet to use it just for fun. And still she gets angry sometimes about something. I never was angry during my whole childhood. Well, except that time when NATO bombed my country.
My point is, dear Venezuelans, yes the times are harsh. I can imagine that people not having enough medication suffer the most. But if you are healthy don't be sad not having a car or electricity. Enjoy your family, your children. Enjoy their love and the fact you are healthy. If there is no food in your stores, leave the cities, go to the country sides and grow your own food. Obviously you have access to the Internet. Learn there about homesteading, farming, hunting, fishing, off-grid living. Organize yourself in communes. Support each other.
I wish you Happy New Year! I wish you better life in 2019! You have many greetings from a Serb from the Balkans!


Wow. Thank you for sharing your story with us @boyanpro

when I was 8 years old we used petroleum lamp and had TV running only once a week with only 2 channels on it

how is situation in your country right now? is it much better?

and is US still against your country? (I never knew there were).

ps. I've been to Croatia 2 years ago and they all seem to be quite hateful towards your people. how did Serbia manage to make so many enemies? wrong politics?

Also: would you please consider using "enter" sometimes to separate sentences? It's a bit hard to read your right now.

