Let's Start A Social Economics Foundation

in #crypto7 years ago

In all debates there are 2 sides, In this debate there is 7 billions sides. We all have an opinion on what is best and we will all vary slightly from one to the next till we have filled in all complaints.

I have put hours of thought into this. I can see a way to do it. The best start up cost to begin with as a minimum I cannot say with precise accuracy, Location wold play a big part in that, local laws and so forth. Below I will put a simplified breakdown of how it can be achieved.

Which of these complaints will be the 1st to be changed?
-If each person was to list things 1-10. 1 as priority and list 10 things they feel could change, we would find a few that appear over and over. The most frequent would seem to be the best option. Which ever area is used to begin this process it should be one which can work at a profitable rate to ensure growth and expansion, Providing funding for projects not yet started.

Then, in what area will we begin this change? (which country should benefit first)
-This would depend on the project chosen and can only be examined when we are closer to an issue we wish to resolve.
What are the costs of such a project? or what are the costs on not having such a project?

Is there any remuneration for investing in the project?
-Remuneration for investment yes can be implemented. Although in a project like this , there wold be caps put on the amount which could be gained from investment. This amount can be payable on a yearly basis and there after providing a passive income to an investor.

How will it be able to expand without continuous investment?
-Every business out there is there to make a profit, non profit organisations make a profit too, Charities also. This foundation would work like a non profit organisation. and profits made would go back into securing a solid foundation, expansion of current 1st project, to ensure income, as the income increases we expand to other area's which we believe could be changed to work within a better system and not in the control an authority which can withhold a service or need in an effort to force compliance.
-Secondary benefits from investment would be a better environment to live in, A lower cost to living (leaving more in your pocket). More control over what happens in your area surrounding areas and global issues.

The business structure I see.

I am working here off a value of 10 and a 10 yr life to return investment.The numbers are not definitive and are purely example.
If it cost 10 to create one unit, this unit would create an income of 1. In 10 year time we would be able to have two units.
and in 15 yr we could get another as for 5 year we had 2 running. By 18 yr we could have four unit and in just over 20 yr have 5.
That seems a long time, for any difference to be made. I agree it does on the surface. but it does progress.
Now if we doubled what we had at the start we could start with 2.
2 = 5 yr 3
3 = 8.3 yr 4
4 = 11 yr 5
5 = 13 yr 6
6 = 14.8 yr 7
7 = 16.6 yr 8
8 = 18.3 yr 9
9 = 19.6 yr 10
Small improvement, but where it took 20 yr plus before, now it takes under 20.
Increase that start to 100 or 1000 and see how quick it grows.
Just one investment done right with just casual people driving forward.
Goals in mind to replace the rich life, just in this project. You do not have to give up the rest lol. ( just in case some thought)
1 10yr
2 5yr
5 2 yr
10 1 yr
25 2.7 units yr 1
50 5.6 unit yr 1
100 11.5 unit yr 1
250 28.5 unit yr 1
500 63 unit yr 1
1000 130+ unit yr 1

So growth would be determined mostly by location and initial start amount.

Is a project like this possible within Steemit


amazing.. this is awesome stuff bro..

Vote for it then :)
The words up there are a belief. on there own words dont mean much

my vote dont mean anything dont say i didnt tell you

that you did vote counts

I did not get the point. What is the aim of the project?

While bringing about a monetary change we have an opportunity to address other things within society.
The time is coming where every one will be metered on the water they drink use for washing cooking or other. The costs of this will increase each year and it is your children and their children who will have to pay theses fee's. By such a foundation we can avoid these future imposed costs.