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RE: My whirlwind intro to cryptocurrency trading - much of which happened by accident

in #crypto7 years ago

Are you sure that your 401ks and IRAs are safe? Stocks and bonds are in a huge bubble right now because central banks having been creating money for years to prop them up. When we have another financial crisis, interest rates can't really go any lower to save the system again.

I had the same problem with ICN using the Jaxx wallet. Have you tried converting directly from BTC to ICN on shapeshift?

How about leaving 80% of your funds in more stable coins like BTC and ETH and using the remaining 20% for day trading? It's really hard to time this roller coaster market!


Oh absolutely not! I should have put "safe" in quotation marks. I mean 401ks are what people always tell you is safe. It's the traditional way of saving for retirement. But I figure that's just one more way to diversify - have some money in the old fashioned things, have it in the cutting edge, have it in my own business and have some in real estate. And I'm also going to borrow $50k from one of my 401ks to buy more rental property.

I wondered if I should move the BTC and use it to ShapeShift to ICN directly. I'm just so fed up right now with moving things this way and that. And ETH is on a tear so I'm a little reluctant to sell it. And ICN has bounced back from when I was going to buy it.

Absolutely about the 80%. I am sitting on a pile of fiat that I liquidated to take a larger position in BTC and ETH. It's just that I hate to buy anything when it's just had a big runup. I am looking for a bit of a cooling off here. But yeah, the plan is to have most of my funds in the big two or three coins, and the rest is my "play money" that I can play around with and try out hunches.

Thanks for all of your good ideas!