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RE: Blue Rock Talk's CRYPTO CONNIE discussing Crypto Currency with Gerald Celente. VIDEO INTERVIEW!

in #crypto7 years ago

HI Connie, do you know where the STEEM went that was listed on It is not there anymore as of this morning. I just tried to buy a membership on bitshares through your link but it did not work. Thanks for doing such a great job helping me understand this. When I first heard you on C2C with Stan Larimer, it was like Greek to me. After listening over and over, I can "speak some Greek", but, still a long way to go. Now I have to learn Steemit, still not sure when to vote or resteem, or what these mean, I will have to read and practice over and over till I get it... In between working 12 hours a day and my Cat Rescues, I read/listen a little every day. Thanks for being my inspiration!!!!! I hope George Noorey comes out with his C2C coin! Soon he may turn into "Crypto George". You have turned me into "Cryto Val", Lol! I love it.