SSOT Blockchain Health,

in #crypto7 years ago


Wellbeing is the most valuable fortune for any human. To keep up great wellbeing status individuals do each conceivable thing they can, thus they need to experience diverse checkups and distinctive kind of medicines. For this they need to take assistance from various social insurance establishments and these human services foundations give them their conceivable administration and medicines to keep individuals sound in return of cash or some of the time the installment can be secured by the administration arrangement. After the treatment or finding of a patient the social insurance foundations or clinics make EHR or Electronic Healthcare Records which can be utilized for the further treatment of the patient. More often than not this records are kept purchase the human services foundations itself or by some other outside EHR associations. This data are the individual property of the patients yet the fascinating reality is the medicinal services offices of the EHR keeping associations can have the capacity to adapt these social insurance information for their hierarchical advantage. Despite the fact that this data have a place with patients, yet at the same time the associations can have the capacity to profit by this data. It is surely not a reasonable arrangement. That is the reason the SSOT has imagined a stage which is particularly intended for the patients to utilize their own restorative history to impart to their put stock in specialist in return of computerized tokens or the crypto-tokens which can be changed over into any sort of monetary forms. The SSOT stage has its own particular cryptographic money framework or crypto-token framework which can be used as an exchange medium in their stage. This token is the adapted type of the patients' close to home restorative history information or the human services data information. To find out about SSOT digital money framework, please don't hesitate to visit, Or then again, you can read our whitepaper at,

The Token System of SSOT

The SSOT is a cryptographic money based stage where patients can be capable win in return for their social insurance data information through our stage in a protected Blockchain and crypto-innovation based stage. Here all the exchange history is sheltered inside Ethereum Blockchain organize and must be gotten to by the approved people and the patients enlisted inside the stage. The general exchange framework is crypto-token based and secured however the


keen contract framework. The definite data of the SSOT token can be appeared by the accompanying way,

• Token Name: SSOT TOKEN

• Token Type: Ethereum

• Token Standard: ERC20

• Token Tag: SEHR

• Total Token Supply: 1 Billion SEHR

• 1 SEHR= 0.03 USD

SSOT Token Benefits

The SSOT is presently at pre-deal stage. In this stage the token holder will get 30% reward in cooperation in the pre-deal stage. The SSOT token advantages are recorded underneath,

• This token is the installment for the patients

• The token changes over the adapt the social insurance information

• The token is ERC20 standard based and have the likelihood to be expanded in values

• The unsold tokens will be pulled back from the pre-deal and will be added to the following stage available to be purchased

• The token holders will inspire chance to get Airdrop benefit. The invested individuals of SSOT HEALTH can likewise have the capacity to get 1 Airdrop office

To think about the Airdrop procedure please visit,

SSOT Token Distribution

The SSOT SEHR token is constrained in supply. Be that as it may, its circulation is organized and deliberate. The token circulation framework can be clarified through the accompanying representation,

• half of the aggregate tokens or the 500 Million SEHR token is offered through the pre-deal stage and principle deal stage.

• 18% of the aggregate tokens or 180 Million held tokens will dispensed for the group for the security of the association.

• 20% of the aggregate tokens or the 200 Million is held for the SSOT people group share

• 9% of the aggregate tokens or 90 Million tokens are being held for the long haul establishment spending plan

• 3% of the aggregate tokens or the 30 Million tokens are held for the token deal costs

The association as of now issued 1 Billion or 1000 Million SEHR tokens, no more SEHR tokens will be issued. The half of the aggregate tokens is anticipated to be offered by means of pre-deal and fundamental deal stage and the other half will be for group, establishment and group improvement.

The Vesting Schedule of SSOT

The SSOT vesting plan will be utilized for remunerate the officials and the group for


the reason for developing the organization and the stage. This calendar is reasonable and straightforward the group will get the reward at a consistent expanding rate. Alternate properties of the vesting timetable can be expressed in the accompanying way,

• For the Foundation individuals, counselors and early supporters, 500 Million SSOT tokens are being saved

• The portion of the saved tokens will be at the sole watchfulness on of the administration chamber

• This timetable is to be started from the date of Token deal finishing

• Reserved tokens are not to be sold at a markdown to issuance cost

The save token portion will be finished in by following the vesting plan,

• Executive and Team are qualified to get 20% in at regular intervals, 100% vesting at 30 months

• Advisory Board Members will get half at a year and 100% at two years

• Consultant and Partners are to get half at a half year and 100% at a year

• Early Supporters can have the capacity to get 100% at finishing of early adopter and general deal.

SSOT Proceed Usage

The continue utilizes are to be investigated by the administration board and are arranged in the accompanying way,

• Development: 49%

• Subscribers: 19%

• Community: 12%

• Education: 11%

• Admin: 7%

• Project Management: 3%

Offers of the SSOT Network Stake holders


The offers of the aggregate income age is anticipated in the accompanying way,

• Revenue from SSOT applications, commercial center, creation expenses and applications income sharing: 25%

• Revenue from supporters as exchange expenses: 25%

• Revenue from SSOT accomplices when accomplices utilizing association biological systems: 25%

• Revenue from the stage clients design, proficient administrations and Integration: 25%

Shrewd Contract System of SSOT

The SSOT shrewd contract framework is incorporated inside the wellbeing Blockchain. This Smart-Contract framework can keep up all the exchange methodology inside the SSOT stage. The savvy contract framework keeps up all the exchange history inside the Blockchain and can appropriate all the medicinal services information adaptation process.

By finishing up the above portrayals one thing can surely be stated, the SSOT cryptographic money is the main impetus of the general SSOT stage process. The whole adaptation arrangement of human services information is done through the SEHR crypto-token and this token outlined on the stage of Ethereum. Without a doubt this token framework is very much organized and all the exchange procedure in this stage is exceptionally secured.

To get every one of the updates about the SEHR tokens don't hesitate to visit,, you ought to likewise visit their gatherings and fan pages.

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Blockchain is groeing across all sectors SSOTHealth have taken the lead in health sector. Nice project