Crypto Ninjanomiconics

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)


This just in: We finally have a release window for SMTs and STEEM just happens to be straddling the ass end of a downward facing tripple dipple DOGE catcher. That's correct, we are officially at the ass end of a downward facing tripple dipple DOGE catcher. If you don't know what that means, let me paint you some happy little trends like I'm crypto Bob Ross.

Disclaimer this post is entirely comical in nature and whether or not it's exactly what is going to happen, it should not be taken as any form of actual investment advice.


As you can see, we've spotted the DOGE and we are within nabbing distance. It's been said many times that 1 DOGE = 1 DOGE and I'm here to say that 1 STEEM = 1 STEEM. Well 1 STEEM > 1 DOGE also. Ahh whatever you get it or you don't. I'm not here to explain myself or my ninjanomiconics to you. What I'm here to do is predict the future and get rich and if you want to come along for the ride, whatever, that's no skin off my back.


So as we can see from the previous information and the lovely chart that I've provided, it would appear that our current resistance level and long term support level of $0.80 USD held. We could still fluctuate down to 10,000 Satoshis if BTC rises quickly, but clearly that brick wall of 80 cents is going to keep us right in there at the DOGE pound. We'll get that lovable little fluffy goofball if it's the last thing we do.

On the upside, with SMTs being announced and the imminent collision with the moon that is guaranteed with that news, we're looking at some extremely favorable profit to loss ratios. On the downside there's roughly 10% loss risk with an exit window if we close below $0.80 and an upside potential of monetary messiah status. As we all know, the goal is to become a crypto deity and this is clearly our best shot to visit the dark side of the moon.


EXACTLY! You sir are a savant, a scholar, and a gentleman.

Perfect companion chart @meno to @clayboyn's brilliant technical analysis of our current situation! 👍

I'm dieing here.

piss funny love it.

The doge point...!? Can we expect the flippening soon then?

Clearly this man is a god at reading charts. Sucking fumes over there highjin? Cause today you've met your match!

Doge and steem are true rivals. But rumors has it if you throw Doge a ball down the hill Doge will follow.