Cellphone Mining, is it legit??

in #crypto7 years ago

Hey everyone. I started cellphone mining about 2 months ago with Electroneum and naturally was a little skeptical. I told myself lets give it a bash for a bit if I am able to accrue enough of the coins, in this case electroneum and then transfer them to a wallet, if in fact they do deposit and reflect as value, we are gold. Well guess what? We are GOLD!

I have mined to date around 190 ETN coins, two days ago I decided to send them to Kucoin, one of my preferred exchanges (binance is #1) I took out my cellphone accessed the application and tried to send to Kucoin and to my surprise and enthusiasm it was legit. Albeit the transaction taking a while to process.


Here a snapshot of my ETN in my Kucoin Account, sure 175 ETN is only worth just over $2 but as we all know that can change rather quickly. If they only hit a dollar in two years and I stop mining now that would be $175 I would not have had at all, best case scenario its $5 in 2 years I have a few thousand of these cellphone mined coins and we are smiling properly.


Here is a snap shot of the landing page as you can see I am currently mining. You will need an internet connection for this and the cellphone may consume a little more battery, no 'biggie' in my book.


To send to another wallet of exchange that supports ETN simple go to the app send and then to your wallet or exchange and scan the QR code, it really could not be easier than this, I would highly recommend doing so, possibly if you have a spare cellphone internet connected let it run as well, the more the merrier the faster you earn.


Here a quick snapshot of the Kucoin QR code for my ETN wallet.


Electroneum as with a few currencies and wallets also has a referral link so if you are keen to get on board do put in my link below sign up test it out and let me know how it goes? Naturally if you use the link you will earn more as will I. Ain't Symbiosis cool ;)

Simply go to google play store and dowload the Electroneum App!

My referral link

FAB 835

Have a sweet weekend.



How many ETN you mine per day? In Mobile Miner?

3-5 Per day mobile miner correct!

Very cool! How how long did you have it running for? How much ETN would you make in a day for example?

Probably around 3 - 5 ETN per day, it varies :)

That's not too bad!

Cool I might check this one out also while I'm playing with a few others.

Do it bud I wasn't wrong about @dlive was I :) don't forget the referral link this time. I already have around 350 ETN not bad for letting a program running on your phone and if it hits $1 in a year big smiles eh ;) Cheer$;)