We can all give a big thank you to China for creating this mess. Yes, China came out today and decided to say that Bitcoin, Ethereum, and the like were illegal initial coin offerings. What does this mean for all of us Crypto holders? Well, today is a total blood bath on just about every Crypto currency out there. Where will prices go when the Chinese get up out of bed in the morning. I can only imagine the selling that will ensue. Not to scare anyone, but be prepared for further drops, BIG TIME in my opinion. There are a lot of Chinese out there that have acquired Crypto's. FEAR will be going through their blood. On the other hand, lets get connected with the new Chinese Government Cryto's that are official. Doing some reading on them now and when they will come out. Crazy days. Sorry to all for this roller coaster ride that is just getting started.
(image by Dash Force News)
Here is an excellent post put out by Zero Hedge at this link. Stay Sane all. Cheers.
Guess we just have to wait a little long and sit it out for now. Panic selling is definitely not the answer here 🙂!
Yes this is big news and we will have to see what happens.
China is about to make their move on the U.S. Dollar too. Their new gold backed yuan in the oil market will slaughter the petro dollar. Looks like the start of a WAR to me. We will see.
Yes, I agree with you. There are several notable economist who have been talking about Currency Wars for years.
I love when they panic-sell!!
Keep selling off China - I live to buy low, bargain-basement cyrpto!
I'm happy when it's up! I'm happy when it's down!
Everyone fasten your belts and hold on tight :)