Cannabis and Crypto Daily

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)

Hello my crypto and cannabis friends. I've decided to try to make a daily blog about 2 of my favorite things, cryptocurrency and dank cannabis. Hopefully I will have enough material and not be too stoned, to make this happen. Hope everyone enjoys.

Where to start at this morning, the crypto or the cannabis. Think I'll start with the cannabis........... Now that that is done let's move on with a clearer mind.

The crypto world got turned on its head the past two days with a massive market crash and there is blood in the water.The blood is coming from Bitconnect!!! People have been saying for months that it was a scam and yesterday they were proven right.The bitconnect platform shutdown and the coin fell to almost being completely worthless. The exit scam has happened and top promoters are scared as hell.They are the face of the product and investors are coming at them like medieval mobs with torches and pitchforks in hand.

There are a few tube promoters that have gone quite and others that have completely shut down. In my personal opinion ,these people will be left holding the bag while the true criminals disappear into the night with all that currency.Not that they are not responsible for their own actions and therefore liable in other ways. Most of us have always known that this wasn't sustainable and a ponzi.

My condolences to the people that got scammed , but learn from this and do your own research into these companies before you sell your house to invest into something .People that did do things like selling their property and emptying bank accounts, well, you are just plain stupid. Not saying that you deserved it , but yes you were stupid to believe you could become a crypto millionaire overnight.So that kinda move and its consequences lay at your own feet. Sorry but that's the truth of it.

And now for the cannabis part of this blog. CANNABIS IS AWESOME , SMOKE UP DAILY AND ENJOY LIFE. That's about all for this session. Oh yeah , smoking on some tangie today. Mmmmmmm!

What are you smoking today? Leave a comment and let us know.


Smoking some Bluedream concentrate

I've got Trainwreck at the moment. A new strain for me, and a new favorite.

I'm just getting into Cryptocurrency, but I've loved cannabis for decades. Cheers!