I recently had the pleasure of reading a post created by @oclinton. In it he points out how the Trade War between China and US could get even uglier. | ![]() |
Though this post is already almost 1 month old (which is a lot in politics) it still got my attention. Why? Simply because lately I’ve been wondering a lot about the current state of the World economy and I couldn’t escape the feeling that things are only going to get worst. Especially with the current US administration and their conflicts with pretty much everyone around them (UE, Turkey, China, Iran, Canada …. you name it).
And it made me wonder, how could those trade wars impact the lives of regular people, investors and mostly how could it possibly affect the future of crypto market.
Im sure many of us heard the infamous sentence that goes: "Divide and conquer".
And this is exactly what’s currently happening with the European Union and USA? Those 2 strategic partners are not only divided from each other but also within their own structures.
Those 2 bodies were never as weak in their history and I don't have any doubts that "our" best time is already over. Values which the US and Europe were representing for so many years will mean very little very soon.
Now the important question is: how to get prepared for what's coming? I strongly believe that investing some of our savings into crypto is a MUST.
We're facing not only an economic crisis but most likely a major world currency crisis. The USD. Many seem to believe that this currency may plunge down heavily within the upcoming year or two. I share similar opinion. | ![]() |
I can easily imagine that wealth will start moving rapidly across the world as large investors and institutional money may be looking for safer assets. And I cannot see one reason why part of this wealth would not move into crypto. That's just meant to happen while the Trade War escalates.
Plus people I know seem to be talking more and more about diversifying their savings. Some of them will diversify their resources by buying different assets, and crypto will definitely be one of them.
So yeah, the way I see it is that the current trade war will ultimately affect crypto and I can only see demand for crypto growing once this conflict escalates. I cannot see it any other way.
Please let me know what your opinion on the current Trade War are. I like to know how you think it may play out. Both economically and politically. And what impact could such a trade war have on crypto? I really would love to know what the ‘public opinion’ thinks about this issue. | ![]() |
Are you yourself supporting the Trade War between USA and China? Do you think that you can be affected by it or do you feel completely safe and far from that conflict?
Share your view and opinion as I really would love to know what's your view on that particular issue. I promise to reply to each one of comments.
gods damn 8 days late lol ... well ,
-recap lol - i was saying, trade war ? yes !
definitely ... it's like people rushing to gold when things get bad, and i dont know who said that first or who it was accredited to, maybe the snazzy Winklevoss twins (who have every intrest in saying that ofcourse, but at the same time are maybe the first-ever pillar of billiondollar wallstreet actually believing (and winning) in crypto as a longterm investment) how many brackets was that )
i mean if bitcoin moves, the alts move, right ? the charts if you blurr them out look pretty much alike in the long termi'l keep it short, im quite busy on my alt accounts, especially @goldmanmorgan at the moment, seriously diving into linux shell again, steemit seems to be saving part of my lost brain here. Yes yes, definitely , the more was on dollars and yuan the more chance it will take to bitcoin, especially to bitcoin in the first place but anyone who's been watching those charts for years should know that there's a ripple-effect (and i dont mean google trying to invade china with suddenly censored search engines and selling off xrp as THE financial system .... (should have tried @ned but i think ned is still at the do-no-evil stage where larry the lounge lizard and his merry men have actually LITERALLY removed that from their manifesto some months ago)
yea, i certainly believe any war on fiat is good for planet Crypton
sorry for the late ... should really use the other email i gave you i check that more , i wouldnt give you if it thought you would spam me, so don't hesitate, right ... its hard enough to stick around in touch with everyone here on the daily, there you go, that's at least half a rudyardcatling answer :p
Trade war is not a new phenomena. Once developed countries gave slogan of free trade when they were in the position to sell their goods to the under developed countries and now when underdeveloped countries like China has become global hub of export, they are becoming protectionists. So, this is nothing more than conflict of interests. Everyone wants to grind his own axes. Nobody care for the welfare of this world. As far as cryptocurrencies are concerned, it won't make a much impact on global economy because share of cryptos is not significant to make any impression on world economy.
good morning @akdx
Trade war on such a scale is absolutely something new. I cannot think of any other trade war between 2 biggest economic partners, where both are completly depending on each other.
I agree. Im still wondering how this conflict of interest will play out and how will it affect crypto. Interesting times we're living in.
Dont you think that many investors will run away from usd to crypto or other assets?
Thanks for your great comment.
Only time will tell. However, is not looks at present that cryptos are going to replace fiats. Crypto price is not stable till now.
Absolutely I agree with you @akdx
Traditional banking system didn't replace cash. And crypto will not replace fiat either.
you're very responsive which is absolutely great and steemit community surely will benefit by having you here.
if you would ever like to keep in touch and support each other closer, then drop me a message [email protected].
This will allow us to communicate easier.
No pressure of course,
Cheers, Piotr
akdx The US is a totalitarian dictatorship. China - Communism and Freedom. There is a confrontation between the remaining ideology of slavery under the capitalists. And Freedom and equality of communism. Communism is inevitable. This is a new stage in the development of humanism.
The trade war is only part of the asberg. There is a confrontation between the concentration camps of the US death: Guantanamo, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, Libya. Support for terrorists IGIL.
And the Free World of Equal Rights is China. Even if the United States now defeats communism, it will eventually win, perhaps in 100 or 1000 years.
I think capitalism and communism both are misconceptions. Both work for the powerful people. Nothing can change the fate of humanity till man become an ethical animal.
To draw such conclusions, you must know something about communism. Do not say a word of propaganda. Study the question and draw conclusions.
I know just one thing-"Power corrupt and absolute power corrupt absolutely." this also happens with communism. Once it was depicted as the rule of proletariat but what happened all over the world? What is happening in China? Can one still say that China is a communist state?
For a couple of years with very low interest rates worldwide, emerging countries took up a lot of dept to develop their own economies. With interest rates rising for USD, investors leave the emerging countries to invest back in Dollars. This leads to a devaluation of the currencies of those countries. This effect is only increased by the trade warfare lead by the US.
What are the effects on Crypto?
Countries like Turkey, Argentina, South Africa, India or even Iran are facing a huge challenge with their currencies devaluation. The devaluation leads to inflation and there are only a few tools to fight it.
Let's say you live in an emerging country and you want to secure your savings. Every day your money looses value but you are not allowed to buy foreign currencies like Euro, USD or CHF. What do you do?
Just to keep your savings from devaluation, the only answer could be to put some of your savings into Crypto Currencies which have huge advantages:
Well I hope we won't get there...
this is what happening right now and government have no control over it.
@achim03 your comment's are always blowing my mind my dear friend :)
How strong is your hope? :)
I like to be hopeful but we already have an example with Venezuela where the only possible solution is to flee the country... I see iran next in line and little by little other countries might follow...
Hi @achim03
Im afraid what could possibly happend with the region if Iran would explode the way Venezuela did. Where those people would be feeling too?
Thx for your comment buddy
The current US administration is really taking things too far. If I gets to the point many countries stop using the dollar as their international currency of trade then the dollar will lose value quickly. And people will run to gold or crypto. On the other hand, crypto is also developing and becoming more legitimate and standard. I think in the next 5-10 years perhaps prices won't be so volatile anymore.
We do have to cut down on the scourge of too many cryptos coming out. Seems everyone has an idea for a coin these days.
I agreed with you. I think the launching of new tokens should be cut down. If everyone has a token, who will buy from each other?
You've said exactly my mind @ulqu3 great!
exactly, just yesterday i witnessed 5 new crypto projects being launched and i had that exact thoughts...
but how to cut it down @focygray? by introducing more regulations? that would kill this market.
it's a little bit like saying: we should cut down possibility of opening new business, because 80% companies go down within less than 2 years.
restrictions are not solution. education is :)
This would be cut down if there is are high standards set to attain before anyone can launch an ICO. Not only by having a good roadmap, whitepaper, team social media. But there should be some other standards than this. There should also be a decentralized regulating body of which I think is taking us back to centralized system of things.
during dotcom bubble noone was trying to introduce regulations who would "protect investors". If those regulations would be introduced then entire industry would be slowed down by many years. And right now instead of talking about crypto we would maybe reach the point of introducing mobile devices (just 5-10 years later).
I still believe that education and awareness should be priority. Not regulations introduced by unqualified politicians and regulators and bankers.
Yep, that would end up with enourmous corruption.
Thx for your comment buddy :)
Yours, Piotr
You are quite right to point out the fact that there a just tons of cryptos appearing out of thin air. Many tokens promising incredible inovation that never become reality or that only intended to get peoples money will disapear. In the end all those scams are bad for the cryptoworld because people loose trust.
Great comment @achim03
At the end of the day it all comes down to trust, right?
Cheers, Piotr
You are right about that @crypto.piotr, even the best idea or innovation will not get support if there is a doubt about its legitimacy. Especially now that so many scams saw the light of the day...
They are simply doing what other countries have been doing for years. It doesn't mean it is the right thing to do, but blaming only the US is absurd because other countries are doing the same.
The problem is that US has the largest influence on world economy. And it doesnt really matter what is being done by some tiny-tiny countries with very little politic power and small economy.
So I think we have all right to blame US administration for what's coming.
I didn't mean tiny countries, I meant China. The trade war is with China mostly.
sorry, my misunderstanding
Thank you for your great comment @ulqu3
I agree. We may need few years to reach that point.
Cheers, Piotr
Hey @crypto.piotr, always bringing on the hot topics, arent you? I think the simple answer is, yes crypto will benefit from this, as it's international per design. And still - especially in the short term - certain embargoes could still affect the networks, it's a huge difference if you act on a legal basis or illegally and then because the mining or witnessing servers are located somewhere, and thus could be shut down, blocked or similar.
Hi @conceptskip
And you seem to always know how to put a smile on my face and make me blush all the way :)
I don't think my topics are really hot. The only thing is that Im not trying to lecture people and share my knowledge and point of view. Im asking people about their own opinions and I really read it and listen.
That's most likely the reason why so many people drop valuable comments :)
Thx for your comment buddy,
Presently the currency war is on the rise like in Turkey and venezuela. The problem with fiat currency is they they have unlimited supply, thus it will lose its value in near future. Cryptocurrencies are the only best solution to the currency crisis. Hope may every country allow use of crypto and it's futuristic blockchain technology.
Good article sir, Thanks for the information @crypto.piotr .
hi @abhijeetcg
Indeed unlimited supply is causing some problems.
But wouldn't limited supply also create problems? I wonder what challenges this model will face.
Can you imagine that all fiat currency would be having limited supply but anytime you want to you can "shut down" some currency and also you can create new one anytime you wish? (just like it's happening with ICOs?).
I really wonder what issues will crypto face in the future. Im not sure if many people can even understand all challenges and consequences.
Again, thanks for your amazing comment
US is rigid to most dynamic non-indigenous concepts/innovations and also strict to their adoption.
Though She has been able to influence some trades and governments, I strongly believe that cryptocurrencies is the only wriggling monster it can't fully control nor contend with.
Crypto price/strenght will soon rise.
hi @topfreeser
Thank you for your comment. appreciate it a lot.
I love your optimism :)
ps. I've noticed that you're not really blogging much lately. Hope you're not going to abandon Steemit.
Hahaha my good friend!
I'm surfing other avenues.
I Won't Leave but I can't be steady anyways. Though I'm still with you.
Very true @crypto.piotr maybe this way will open more doors for cryptocurrency in our every day life, when you can wake into a store and get something and then pay in cryptocurrency.
Great writeups @crypto.piotr
thx for your kind comment @ogt
I can't wait till it will happend. i would love to be able to pay for some of services/goods
In my opinion trade war is generally bad and it undoubtedly leads to the worldwide crisis. China has grown to the world econonomic power and Trump can't stand with this situation. However, I hope it will have a positive impact on crypto. As you said, currencies which don't depend on any country politics may become the only safe method of payments in the future.
Thank you for another amazing article @crypto.piotr :)
Greetings, Jan
thx for sharing your opinion @neavy
Every crisis is great for those who have resources. Every crisis is causing wealth to move a lot.
I also have hope that it will impact crypto in a good way. Definetly countries like Venezuela proved that bad economy = fast crypto adoption.
Trade war will definitely escalate. The U.S thinks they are supreme and everyone should pay homage to them.
Many things will always escalate until they see everyone as equal and no supremacy but understanding and mutual respect.
I often hear more of the U.S dollar than any other fait currency. By the time these trade war escalate more than the state they are now, cryptocurrencies will be the alternative. And if they manage to resolved their wars, cryptocurrencies will also be a major assets to invest on for their decentralised nature.
It is a win - win at both side of the coin for cryptocurrencies.
Thanks @focygray for sharing your view.
Unfortunatelly it's not possible to see everyone as equal. No matter how hard we would try.
We're on the same page here :)
Yours, Piotr
Don't you think the war will affect crypto too, where countries will tend to adopt only their own blockchain projects.
Something to ponder about...
hi @davideliyahu
I think you're right. The only question is: how can it potentially affect crypto.
Thx for dropping by :)
Yours, Piotr
You have made an impressive contribution and I finally had the time to read it.
Then In once sentence I will summarize that
hi @empato365
I love to see how responsive you are my friend. Thank you for your comment.
You are welcome
Done mate! 🙂
A trade war is simply a battle of words to create fear and create a false enemy. Investors have the choice to invest in precious metal, cryptocurrencies to make sure they have value in case of the worst!
IT seem that again we're thinking very alike @chesatochi
Thanks for your comment. Cheers, Piotr
Tbh I think it depends on where it is or wherever crypto is more popular. That’s what I think
I am buying more crypto, selling more stock & listing my home in vegas for sale... looking at many countries to immigrate to now... applying for jobs etc.... did you see my last post about why I am powering up? I would like your opinion there if you have time.
hi @dynamicrypto
Thank you for letting me know about your latest post. I will definetly check it out in few minutes.
I will be most likely moving to north Thailand (Chiang Mai). Cheap, great food, nice weather. Consider this place. We could be working closer together :)
@ulqu3 has said my mine. I can't say anything different 😉
thx @ajongcrypto for dropping by :)
Anytime!. I left you a message on Telegram.
No, I don't support any trade war, I think free trade is the best way to achieve economic prosperity for all.
No, I don't think I can be affected, but this is simply due to the country where I live. I don't think trade wars are positive for anyone, taxes and tariffs should be zero.
It might be a reason for people to pay more attention to crypto and realize the freedom it gives to its users.
Great comment buddy
We're definetly on the same page @dedicatedguy
You're definetly right. Wise words.
@crypto.piotr Very well written my friend.
After reading comments of @ulqu3 @achim03 @focygray there is nothing left to say. I mean I support their comments & I am not that good at when it comes to this kind of topics.. But I love to answer the questions you asked.
No I don't. According to me War or Trade wars are the same when it's between 2 powerful countries because it always results in Economic crises.
Yes I think I will be affected and i think everyone will be. As this is sure result of Trade wars. Specially here in our country where there is still issue with using crypto freely. So people are not feeling safe to invest in crypto.As we are talking that dollar may loose his value then I don't imagine the situation here.
100% agree with you :) I think other will feel the same. If dollar looses his value then crypto is the best option where we can invest our savings.
Hi @flash07
Thx for dropping by my dear friend.
That's true. Sometimes im also wondering if wars and economic crisises are not being arranged by our leaders to "reset all debts" and start entire show from the beginning.
I guess we're on the same page here :)
Yes we are and always will be :)
I hope so it should get prevented whether it will affect crypto market or not. Because if
it's not get prevented then it will definitely affect the international markets and could also affect the world's economy. So preventing it is necessary :)
Nice writeups, thanks for sharing a unique topic with us :)
Have a great day and wonderful night 😊😊
Hi @freecrypto
Thx for dropping by my dear friend. I appreciate your comment.
There will be a slump across the board for all markets before the resilient ones shine through in the recovery. Last major economic crisis (2008) led to a severe downturn in the economy and even precious metals took a hit until 2011 when they broke all time highs for gold and silver nearly saw its ATH. I think we could see another 3-6 months until more people are willing to invest back into crypto and institutions are still waiting on the sidelines for safer options amidst the volatility, manipulation, fraud and general hype.
The solution for another crypto bull run will be more custodial firms working for outside investors so that they wont have to hold their own private keys or risk losing their crypto. People don't necessarily want to know the details behind the curtain- they just want to buy in and cash out later. The learning curve in crypto is pretty substantial and it should be several more years until the next generation is fully involved in the development of this space. In the meantime the institutional money will beat the masses into crypto, but very cautiously.
As far as the trade war it is definitely affecting our currencies and the metal industries. Most Americans are already struggling because our economy is inflating faster than the wages can keep up. This is just going to add more consumer pressure as tariffs are increased and the US people are taxed more on Chinese goods.
hi @hotsauceislethal
Amazing reply!
I love to see how responsive you are my friend. Thank you for your comment.
I believe it may take longer than that. I dont think we will see any huge rally in 2018. Mass media shows no interest any more with crypto as this topic became boring to most people. I think we need to wait at least a year if not longer.
you nailed it! We do need entire generation. At least.
ps. are you yourself from US?
I think the trade war between the US UU And China will not significantly affect the countries that are out of the conflict, perhaps China would be forced to try to increase its exports to other countries where they do not impose high tariffs, on the other hand I have also read some predictions that the dollar in one or two years may collapse, no doubt to occur that, it would be a good possibility that large capitals enter the cryptos, to shelter your money, that is why we should try to accumulate tokens, that way we will be prepared for that scenario.
hi @hendersonp
I love to see how responsive you are my friend. Thank you for your comment and sharing your view.
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Dear friend @crypto.poitr, this is a nice article and obviously, your feelings for the economic lives of humankind in the future are being felt therein.
Peoples' comments here have explained it all in different ways. There is only little for me to contribute to complement their brilliant reviews:
Please let me know what your opinion on the current Trade War are.
I think this clash is outside national integrity entirely. The whole idea is based on selfishness powered by superiority complex which is not necessary for the betterment of one man's purse in the whole over 7 billions of people on planet earth. Whenever the Bigs are at war, the Smalls are the battling grounds on which they fight. Economically and politically, there is problem for the world already, the earlier they could throw in their sponges the better.
I like to know how you think it may play out. Both economically and politically.
It is already playing out bad for my purse. So the more it continues the more I am affected even in though I am in Nigeria. I am beginning to think those leaders who decide our fates in guise under democratic or whatever structures have decided to forget how their decisions could make or mar the world!
And what impact could such a trade war have on crypto?
Most probably, POSITIVE. The famous Dollar might be downgraded and Crypto elevated.
Governments of most countries in the world are not buying crypto idea now because of its decentrality, but perhaps, tomorrow shall a different tale.
Thanks for sharing Sire @crypto.poitr @jodekss
hi @jodekss
Amazing comment!
I love to see how responsive you are my friend. Thank you for your comment and sharing your view.
You nailed it!
Alright Poitr.
Thanks for everything. Hope to see more of your works.
Sincerely yours,
Trade wars: weaken the sovereignty of the dollar. China, Russia and the Avurpa Association are causing the countries to differentiate with alternative currencies.
Hi @kayba6107
Thx for dropping by my dear friend. I appreciate your comment.
Amazing article sir @crypto.piotr. I don't support trade war, this kind of things always affect the economy very badly. I believe in crypto and I know it's future so I already invested my saving in crypto for safety of future.
Posted using Partiko Android
Hi @techbuzz07
I appreciate your comment.
Thx for dropping by my dear friend.
@crypto.piotr.....I think it the trade war will have both a positive and negative effect on cryptocurrency.
I will start by explaining the positive effect. Some great rich business men may decide to make use of the opportunity to create ICOs with the business plan of stopping trade war. They tend to persuade people to buy and invest in their cryptos just to resolve peace between countries in war and this will really add more to their wallet. People who take part in this type of cryptos may end up gaining because there is high chance of different government organizations supporting the cause which is a high chance of developing the blockchain system.
It may turn out to be negative a negative effect because there will be discrimination and discouraging attitude between the parties involved. What I mean by this is that if a crypto is produced from China and let assume China has conflict with USA. There are high chances of USA government counterparting against China cryptos either by discouraging people against investing in it or by doing other things just to get rid of the cryptos. This may turn out to be a great loss for investors.
NOTE: I answered from my perception and I those countries are just an example to explain my view and that doesn't means it is happening there.
your replies @hardaeborla will never stop to amaze me! :)
Thx for sharing your view on this topic. I really appreciate it a lot.
I didn't think about it. Greatp point my friend! :)
You are welcome boss 😀🙌💗
very interesting point you made here Pete, personally am not into politics but since i joined FOREX, i had to keep tabs on the economic news in order not to be taken unawares by fundamentals...
The rate at which the US especially is taking this trade war, particularly against China is becoming very alarming, but honestly i do not think it will in any ways affect the crypto market that much, if you notice, most projects now exclude citizens of US and China from being part of their Crypto Project and that's alarming.
Hi @iamchijamz
Thx for dropping by my dear friend. I appreciate your comment.
ps. isn't playing on forex even more stresful than crypto?
Wars always affect the population in some way, it is naïve to think that it will not affect, now we can study the terrain of the fourth generation war what prepares each power to face the enemy, the ways of executing the war by the US . UU and other powers have been transforming certainly the American war policy is usually the most toxic, hopefully that does not affect the market of cryptocurrencies
thank you @oriesthella for your kind comment and resteeming my post
I figured you're from Venezuela (like many people here on steemit). Right?
yours, Piotr
I am in a country where a president invented an economic war, and that invention cost him dearly, today there is no one who wants to invest in our country ....
This situation has left me with an advice: no war is good, I think politicians, economist, we must work in a more student-like way, pro and con before acting ...
Currently in Venezuela, the one who invested in a crypto currency secured a bit their future because these are the people who have a better quality of life at the moment, (I say this from my own experience, the investment in bit me generated profit despite their highs and lows. low), with this I am not saying that they are going to stop like the Venezuelans that never ... only that it is not working together and invest in good time to obtain long-term profits !! regards
thank you @aricochra for your kind comment and resteeming my post
I figured you're from Venezuela (like many people here on steemit). Right?
yours, Piotr
Right Venezuela, Right! but I love everything that has to do with cryptocurrencies
Yes, I definitely agree with you. In Venezuela we live in hyperinflation and many say: "Buy dollars that do not devalue", and I thought: "Are you sure of what they say? Do not they know that the dollar also devaluates?" Only in Venezuela is not perceptible by the situation we live.
In January of 2018 he talked to some friends and told them: THE dollar is worthless, you know against what? Against the Bitcoin, against the cryptocurrency., Notice that the BTC every day is worth more, that means that the dollar every day is worth less.
Well, that is what you are raising in your post @crypto.piotr, the fall of the dollar at hand of cryptocurrencies, although I do not think it is in the near future, but I do believe that in about 5 years we can have a domain strongest of cryptocurrencies.
Hi @luiscalzadilla
Great piece of comment. Thx! :)
I dont think USD would collapse in because of crypto. If anything ... it will collapse because of US administration and their decisions. And hopefully those who invested in crypto will enjoy seeing large capital moving into this market.
The current US administration has chief complaints seem to center around a number of key issues, namely, restricted access to Chinese markets a for American goods and services, excessively high tariffs on US imports, and an artificially manipulation of the value of the Yuan. The Trump administration has also viewed a number of existing arrangements with trading partnership as detrimental to US interests, NAFTA, EU, and the ill-fated TPP just to name a few. Believing in brokering better deals, President Trump seems to favor negotiating bilateral agreements on a country-by-country basis rather than in dealing with regional trading blocks. A full on trade war between the US and China would not be in the interest of either country. I personally think that Trump wants to take a tough position but is willing to negotiate as long as he believes America will have a strong hand to play.
What an amazing comment @jaalig
Thx for sharing your opinion and knowledge. Appreciate it greatly.
This is not the first time that the US has ruffled feathers among the globe but I hardly see it as a factor that will affect their economy. The US is not an adorable country to me but I hardly see their fault in all these ensuing arguments. Their president, while being a cocky idiot actually mended fences with North Korea and established an embassy in Jerusalem. Those are major achievements. I still agree with you that the cryptocurrency is the best money for investments in the long run but I hardly see many people abandoning the USD anytime soon.
Hi @davonicera
Thx for dropping by my dear friend. I appreciate your comment.
He didnt really help at all with Norht Korea. He managed to be in the same room when both Koreas decided to work together. But giving any credit to Trumph is really not right. The only thing he did was shaking few hands and smiling to cameras.
Which only resulted with more tension in region and killing.
At least we agree on this time :)
With both nations aiming each other with taxes on products entering their shores from side...... in recent times...... I can say we are a long way from the end of this crisis.HI @crypto.piotr
But the big question still remains how will this affect cryptos
For sure, with US president hunting down the neck of China and China pushing back in no distance time the USD will slip. And I know you already know why.
Now notice (as much as you will laugh it off it is arguably true) we are in a world where cryptos are about to rule,......and this might be an opener in my best opinion.
thx for great comment @maxiemoses-eu
You're most likely very right my dear friend. Not laughing.
Noticethis..... some big moguls in business in the US have nose dived into cryto-finance...... this for me speak volume. about the current state of events
Correct me if am wrong the US president is just about to open the crypto up to space with his ego.... which is a good thing for me if you have me ask
I think the US is mishandling things, it has become too close to itself, which makes it protectionist, in addition, the fear towards China makes it make bad decisions ... Because now it is China that invests in the world, the one that opens new markets, this will weaken the power of the dollar (since it will be used in fewer trades, therefore, its inflation will be much more visible).
Personally, I am very afraid that it is a communist dictatorship, the strong economy in the world ... I hope that the right leader will quickly take the reigns of the country of freedom.
I do not agree with the commercial war, it's stupid, I agree with the US leading the world, opening markets, lowering taxes and eliminating regulations, it's the best thing for all the individuals in the world.
Greetings, thanks for bringing this topic to the debate.
What an amazing comment @julioccorderoc
Thx for sharing your opinion and knowledge. Appreciate it greatly.
I really think like you, I think the world economy at a general level will get worse, things will be harder and survival will be harder.
Especially for developing countries, this will hurt them a lot, and for countries like Venezuela, with severe crises, I think it will end up killing them or making them disappear from the financial game for many years.
I am not one of those who sponsor the war between China and the USA, it seems to me that rather we should establish alliances and develop things in groups that is going to allow all the parties to win and create new things, new platforms. In that sense I think that all things must contribute, friend Piotr.
I write this to you from a cyber, working with the commitment that I have with your person and that I also like to do it.
An interesting publication, which I consider to take into account, thank you very much for the reference to the post of @oclinton.
What an amazing comment @reinaldoverdu
Thx for sharing your opinion and knowledge. Appreciate it greatly.
Unfortunatelly I also believe that next few/several years will be difficult for most of human population.
Or some other powers will start buying your country. Like china does with many others. Piece by piece all most strategic locations will belong to them and in return your economy may be rescued by them.
You're the man!
i will check @oclinton post right away. Thx
Its a big discussion where even steemians alone cannot debate on it alone, however i will give my opinion on the topic.
Gradually china is taking over from US and this wont go down with the goons at the white-house you know its like being a king some while ago and one of the servant wants to overthrow you, even if thats is gonna be possible it wont happen without a war going down, which led us to trade wars
, now that china is braking boundaries on all front of development, they are not just breaking this boundaries but they are building a sustainable development where they wont have to rely on any nation to succeed in their own development, this is a trait for any country that would be regard as the world powerful country and china has this traits.Brilliant reply @deeclown
"its like being a king some while ago and one of the servant wants to overthrow you, even if thats is gonna be possible it wont happen without a war going down"
You've nailed it big time!
Now the question is: how can it affect crypto? :)
Thank you for the updates. Glad to peer you posting again.
Opinion? There is a war not between the US and China. The families of the oligarchs are fighting: Morgans, Rodshilds, Rockefellers and other bandits. In the course of the war, China will win. the United States will suffer. The oligarchs, who seized power in the US, will flee with capital to another country. I do not know which country.
Simple people will suffer. But US citizens under dictatorial laws can not rise against their lords. For freedom they will pay a difficult economic situation.
They chose to live in peace for a quiet life. As a result, a lot will be lost. This is my opinion. Perhaps erroneous.
We get in touchThanks for your support @cripto.piotr ; ) I really appreciate it!
You are really a wonderful person.Thanks man @crypto.piotr
If trade wars really did favour cryptos, I think we'll have arrived a long time ago . I personally think it has less influence on crypto growth and adoption.
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Regards ; )Hi @cripto.piotr thanks for your support. I just had an opinion about the NOIA network system of the authors @mazzle and @focygray, it's really interesting, thanks for informing
Thank you so much @crypto.piotr for tokens.
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Hi @ crypto.piotr, I congratulate you for this excellent post, I am very interested in this topic. Soon I can write again. Greetings from Venezuela dear friend