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RE: Could Ethereum Be Made Obsolete By The New Decentralized Smart Contract Platform EOS?

in #crypto7 years ago

"EOS is still in development and just began trading and EOS is already the 11th largest cryptocurrency by market cap, trading at a $400 million market cap near $1.75."

If that's not the definition of a bubble, I don't know what is.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against EOS, it sounds really good on paper. But there is a big difference between investing in an idea and investing in a tangible product, or at the very least, a well-functioning and advanced-stage prototype.

On top of that, Ethereum is proven today, with dozens of Ethereum-based tokens, and has a roadmap that implements many similar or related ideas, including Proof of Stake, sharding, etc.

And so while I welcome the EOS project, the kind of money that is being thrown at it is just pure speculation, and bubble-investing. A bit like Ethereum at $400 in such a short time, except perhaps 10x worse.