Very good news for the MIOTA-Project!!!
Collaboration between IBM and MIOTA - a very important step fot the Internet of Things.
The following article create from btcecho.de:
IBM is looking for a way to use the proof of work method for IoT in the future. The US-based IT and consulting company has filed a patent for this. So they want to make it possible for devices on the internet to perform things blockchain-based smart contracts.
The International Business Machines Corporation has hardly any restraints in terms of Blockchain. To name just a few stations: only in January the company announced a joint venture with Maersk to optimize the shipping industry with the Blockchain technology. At the end of March, they announced the development of the world's smallest computer on a Blockchain basis. At the beginning of April, the report made the rounds that one was in negotiations with central banks to create a closed Kryptowährung. As you can see from a patent application on April 26th, the company is now venturing into the next big thing: the Internet of Things (IoT).
Noncen limit to reconcile IoT and Blockchain
As a reminder: in the Internet of things communicate – very roughly broken down – machines with machines. To optimize this communication, IBM is proposing a Blockchain solution. In this way, the proof-of-work procedure should be run over the individual devices, using a predefined set of Noncen to confirm the proof of work. (Refer to the terms Nonce and proof-of-work here). The proof-of-work would be stored in this design on the Blockchain and communicated between the devices. The idea of IBM is ultimately to relieve the equipment. You no longer have to have the same energy as with Bitcoin mining. However, by limiting the number of Noncen, you could adjust the proof-of-work method to meet the IoT requirements. With a limited scope, the individual devices would not have to play as many solutions as they would in Bitcoin mining. However, you could use the Transactions validation.
Thus, according to IBM in the application "the complexity of constructing a proof of work can be highly adapted, so that for the IoT devices there is no need to spend more than a certain amount of manpower to successfully master the proof of work."
On successful implementation of the proof-of-work process in the IoT area, they move among other things on the same site as the Internet of Things Association – IOTA.
BY: Phillip Horch
Phillip Horch hat im Oktober 2017 sein Masterstudium in Literatur-Kunst-Medien an der Uni Konstanz abgeschlossen und arbeitet seitdem als freier Journalist. Bereits während seinem Studium hat er für verschiedene Magazine geschrieben und fasst nun in Berlin Fuß. Im Fokus seines journalistischen Schaffens stehen vor allem die Chancen und Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung, sodass er sich seit einiger Zeit auch mit dem Themenkomplex Blockchain und Kryptowährungen befasst.
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Dankeschön...sehr guter Tipp - Danke :)