Barclays Bank claims Bitcoin is nothing more than a virus.

in #crypto7 years ago

Barclays Bank claims Bitcoin is nothing more than a virus.

If Bitcoin is nothing more than a mind virus then it's a game changer.

If Bitcoin is a virus It proves the power of memes and the work of Richard Dawkins. If Bitcoin is just a meme then it may also prove the validity of memetic selection, and that the survival of the fittest applies here.



I thought of it once like this but I thought “ it can’t be” I think crypto is general will be survival of the fittest

In the early days of Netflix, the top executives went to Blockbuster to offer to sell Netflix for a price that was a small fraction of Blockbuster's market cap. The Netflix executives also said they wanted to be in charge of running the streaming business within Blockbuster. The Blockbuster executives practically laughed the Netflix executives out of the room so the two sides went their separate ways.

The rest is history.

I'm also reminded of when Amazon was a young company and Barnes and Noble announced it was getting into the online business. An analyst said that was now "Amazon.toast".

Again, the rest is history.

I would be very skeptical of banks trashing bitcoin and other crypto assets. Blockchain technology is going to radically transform the banking business. Bankers who don't recognize that are whistling past the graveyard.

HAHAHA , our veins also have a bitcoin virus, and a beer is great!! :) @dana-edwards

If bitcoin is a virus then it is a good virus like the cowpox

One virus that did make a huge difference though was the cowpox virus. It was because of the cowpox virus that you can be vaccinated against lots of nasty diseases

It is a virus that a made a huge difference that other viruses like banks and governments afraid of because they don't want to be vaccinated
hating the decentralization movement

LOL, you took the words right out of my mouth. Cheers 🐱‍🚀

I just tryna get this money for the rent 🎼

I'll take that virus any day! In Barclays eyes, I am definitely pro-virus. Virus me up!

The big Central Banksters are bashing all cryptos except Ripple which is a bankster centralized "crypto"

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Follow back and we can help each other succeed!!@romyjaykar

Perhaps more accurately, a"trojan horse", in the sense that Bitcoin provided the PARADIGM SHIFT in thinking required to evolve the crypto realm further. In the grand scheme of things, buying - and researching - Bitcoin for the past 5+ years has provided me INVALUABLE gains in terms of my understanding of the world - so much so that if Bitcoin were to go "belly up" I would consider my 1+ BTC holding to be a TROPHY for that personal growth...

Memes are type of replicata. A replicator definition is ''what makes the environment to reproduce it'. In memetics the environment is ... humans. In that sense the spread of the virus would follow the dynamics of a Zombiecalypce. Very scientific and done by top medical scientists researches and simulations show clearly that the fiat system inevitably loses this 'war'. The only anti-zombiecalypsis working measure these prominent epidemiologists say, is.: <<“ While aggressive quarantine may contain the epidemic, or a cure may lead to coexistence of humans and zombies, the most effective way to contain the rise of the undead is to hit hard and hit often. ”
— Philip Munz, Ioan Hudea, Joe Imad, and Robert J. Smith? [sic],
"When Zombies Attack!" (2009) >> and apparently the only salvation the banks could have is to start BANKING the god damn thing, the same way higher organisms trivially 'extinguish' viruses by locking them into their DNA in form of introns.