I'm always glad to help any way I can. I hope these materials help you make money the way they help me.
Find attached the document. I guess you already know how to buy and store bitcoins. If not, it's not rocket science - just search for a video on youtube or email me if you still finding it difficult.
If you can study this article very well http://pumperspicks.com/ultimate-altcoin-buying-strategy/ you will know how to predict coins that will soon spike in a few weeks.
Sign up for this guy's email list http://www.coinmastery.com/invest, his contents have so much value.
This guy compiled a good list of tools for trading check it out: https://medium.com/@rasarasan/beginners-tools-for-cryptocurrency-research-1cf88053f37e
These are the guys I follow on twitter: ( I have observed there picks work for mid to long term)
If you want more, follow me @champbitcoin, then follow the guys I follow.
Telegram channels I follow and recommend:
- https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEISPQXC5alQFlHtXA I trade with this one on a daily basis. He' good and give calls and exit targets.
He runs a paid group but I've not subscribed yet because his free signals make me enough money for now. I've several paid options on my rader so I don't know if I will go paid with him.
He charges $100/monthly but he has offered me for $50, so if you choose to join his paid group you can negotiate a discount.
https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEMrs_C28vmzPvU5eg This channel's signal is always on point but he doesn't provide call and exit target
https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAED_CDsydGkf5MU0dg - general discussion
https://t.me/cryptogrinders - General Discussion
https://t.me/AlunaCrypto - Also general discussion
Facebook groups:If you want to get into the technical aspect check this http://alunacrypto.blogspot.com.ng/
https://web.facebook.com/groups/693870474130617/ This team is very good. They provide some free signals, but their paid group cost an arm.
https://web.facebook.com/groups/cryptocurrencycollectorsclub/. This one has so many experienced hands there.
Lastly, you should know the importance of a coach is any chosen field. They will save you time, energy and money. So is important you get one. I have been on the lookout for one but the ones I know their charges are above my budget for now.
Fortunately, I found this guy a few days ago https://www.patreon.com/cryptohype and he charges $10 monthly compared to what people like Chris charge https://skillincubator.com/course-pages/
Once I get my payment method sorted out, I will join the $10 and see what he has to offer. I got to know him through youtube and I tend to enjoy his philosophy about crypto.
Always remember to store funds you can't afford to lose on an offline wallet like like bread wallet or a hardware wallet like https://www.ledgerwallet.com/. For altcoin wallets use http://jaxx.io/ or http://exodus.io/.
I hope you will make use of these materials.
If you have any questions, you can always ask.
Best wishes
Great article!
nice info
Its cool