I think there are some important ideas here:
- An overview of the dotcom bubble
- A quick comparison between dotcom & blockchain
- Both periods of times represents the birth of disrupting technologies. Blokchain tries to eliminate middlemen or middlemen will use blockchain for charging fees (libra ?)
This will give some clues to understand what happen in the dotcom period. In retrospective, If I can understand the fundamentals that push pets.com for failure and Amazon for success, Maybe i can use the same fundamentals to invest in current blockchain projects.
For example, Google has a return greater that 2000% since 2004 (15 years afters). If i have bought stocks of Google back in 2004, probably I wouldn't be writing here but taking some nice vacations.
If blockchain is another bubble that has not burst yet, why don't try to invest (put at risk) some amount of money? maybe I can choose 20 cryptos and luckily one wins. Maybe the profit of the winner will be higher than the losses of the losers. Who knows.
bubbles don't happen very often.
One of the best comment I've read today @danielfs