How I made $3000 Without Investing Anything in Just a WEEK

in #crypto7 years ago

$3,000 without investment in a week. A new formula for succes

$3,000 without investment in a week. A new formula for succes
Hello everyone, my name is Julian. I always dreamed of getting into a big blog, and so it turned out that I have something to tell about my experience with WestLand Storage company. Although it is possible to call it work? After all, I earned $3,000 without investments and great efforts in just a week. Let me tell you what I did for this.

In general, I met with the company absolutely by accident. Very often I use applications for smartphones, which allow you to earn small amounts of performing certain actions. I always did it for fun, not seriously, but I always had enough money to pay for mobile communications and the Internet.

Since I am always interested in the topic of applications for earnings, I periodically visit forums devoted to this topic. There I came across a topic where another user talked about various applications where you can earn inviting other users. Sounds easy, does not it? But most of these applications paid very small amounts, for which I did not even want to waste my time, but one of the applications interested me with its terms. It was a mobile application from WestLand Storage.


I downloaded the application on the phone, registered and checked all the conditions that the company provides. All this turned out to be true, so I decided not to hesitate and started inviting friends, especially since it does not take much time and effort, because the application has built-in functionality that allows it to be done just lightning fast.

Having sent invitations to several friends for a test, I decided to study the issue of investing in real estate. The company offers to invest in real estate and receive daily profit. It sounds interesting, but I did not have any free money to invest at that time, so I decided: if I manage to earn some money at the invitation of partners, then I invest my earnings and start earning a daily profit.

So in the course of two or three hours a few of my friends have already responded. Some of them wrote to me to learn more about the company, someone just registered without asking questions. The same evening, I already had 15 partners and the first partner profit.

This profit wasn't big, but it was already more than I could earn in other applications. So it was necessary to continue, I began to send out invitations to all my acquaintances, colleagues and a relative. Of course, the result made me wait a little, but it was worth it. And after 2-3 days I already had more than two hundred partners, and my affiliate profit increased by 10 times!

Wow! I couldn't have made this amount even in 5 other applications, with a lot of effort at the same time. I decided to concentrate only on the WestLand Storage application. I read the success story of another client, where he told that in order to motivate partners to invest, you need to keep in touch with them, answer their questions and help them in everything. I was following these simple instructions and the affiliate profit has grown every day. Second-level partners started to appear, who also brought me a good profit. And also I got a VIP level, which gave me access to the third levels of the affiliate program and thanks to this I was able to earn even more.

And so, in just 7-8 days, I earned more than $3,000 without any investments, I got a VIP level and I plan to make a deposit soon, especially using the promo code that I received along with the VIP level, I will get 5% more profit !!

My goal is to reach a minimum of level 3 in order to increase profits and attract as many partners as I can. I think that I can earn here at times or even tens of times more! Well, if I could, then you can!



Kan du bruke denne så får jeg litt ref. Bonus

Posted using Partiko iOS

det kan jeg :)
nå har jeg postet en ny en om en annen invistering

Classic ponzi scheme!

DO not invest anything in this crap!

Sorry but seriously guys where the F*** should that 1% daily revenue come from? Exactly from the people that are stupid enough to "invest" in this kind of scheme.

Most likely you are about to tell me the revenue comes from the real estate (really doubt they own anything) just think about that for a while. (365% ROI a year for real estate?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?)

This all works well up until the point there is not enough cash going in and it collapses. Numerous schemes like this crashed in the past (most recent and popular would be bitconnect).

If you think this is a scam, thats ok with me, I take the risk of using these kinds of sites, sometimes they are scams (bitconnect) and other times they are not scamming people.
personally i have not withdrawn my money from this site, because i dont have to, i have seen others do it, thats good enough for me.

of course it can always be a scam, thats how it is in the world of crypto, there are lots of scams... i'm not trying to scam anyone, infact i dont tell people to invest in it, i tell them to get the free money they can from this site, if they want to invest in it, thats totally up the them.

again you tell me 365% ROI a year for real estate is no SCAM???

Easy calculation you buy a house at lets say 250K with this "guaranteed" ROI you should earn 912.5K in a year. That would mean someone would pay more than 75K rent a month (if we leave taxes out of this).

Now I'm asking you once again: Does that sound fishy to you?

you are totally right, this must be a scam...
well, here is proof of payment from this site:

haha dude this doesn't prove anything!

I would like you to comment about my previous comment!

And yeah sure they payout thats how the scam works to lure people in!

As I said please comment about the massive ROI they guarantee you through real estate!

I dont know how it is possible, its not my service, im just a user... if you have any question about ROI or whatever, check out their FAQ or contact them.
They have been paying me 1% a day (0,5% weekends) and I have been able to withdraw, that's good enough for me. if you don't like it, that's ok.
I have showed you that it is possible to withdraw, now its your turn to show me the proof of this being a scam

Sry dude but either you are not the brightest or you are just naive. Sorry but if you do not see that this is an obvious scam I can't help you.

I do not give a f*** if you are wasting your money in such things but I really do not like seeing such things promoted.

As I said you can be held responsible for loses of referrals of yours in a bunch of countries.

Good stuff, man!
I will for sure check this out and put alittle bit of my crypto into this to test it out!
Thank a lot!

Dette må jeg sette meg inn mere i. Er på ferie nå så må nok komme tilbake med litt mer spørsmål og kanskje litt hjelp når jeg har fått brukt litt tid på dette. Men jeg må jo få med meg slike muligheter:-)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Dette må jeg sette meg inn mere i. Er på ferie nå så må nok komme tilbake med litt mer spørsmål og kanskje litt hjelp når jeg har fått brukt litt tid på dette. Men jeg må jo få med meg slike muligheter:-)

Fant ikke ut hvem app jeg skal laste ned, bruker iPhone, fant en men der får jeg ikke registrert noe, altså ikke logget inn

Posted using Partiko iOS

kjekt du også vil bli med på dette :)
gå inn på trykk på download app, trykk så på iphone tingen, så går jeg ut fra du får den rette appen. jeg er ikke iphone bruker selv.

Jeg Fikk det til ja:-) tror du skal se meg på lista de. Så er det noe bounty jeg kan gjøre eller slik for å få litt inn der:-)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Jeg har bare utført etpar av bounty'ene, ser at de gir meg $0.09 til dagen, det blir litt mer av å invistere litt, men alt hjelper jo selfølgelig.
så får vi bare håpe at dette gir oss en fin fremtid :)
Jeg liker godt å invistere i sånne prosjekt som dette, noen er scams mens andre betaler ut, har også flere hvis du ønsker å vite om dem? mulig jeg skulle postet en post om de andre også.. hmmm...

Ja jeg prøver å skaffe meg så mye som mulig nå mens der er populært å nytt. Bruker en side som heter har sikkert en link med noe rewards jeg kan dele om du vil. Har ikke lært meg så veldig mye av dette ennå men prøver nå å lære litt av gangen, men ja del gjerne med meg

Posted using Partiko iOS

Det er var jo en grei side, den må jeg følge litt med på fremover tenker jeg, takk for tipset :)
jeg lager en post om en annen side jeg også har invistert i, følg med senere, kommer i løpet av dagen.

This sounds so promising which is cool. Is that dollar amount equivalent to the fiat currency or is there still conversion to that like SBD?

Have you tried withdrawing your earnings? I think that is the most exciting part and indeed confirmation that the earning is real.

i have not withdrawn anything from this site my self, but i have seen others that have, it seems to work for them, so im going to keep my money in this site until a later date. here is some other guy withdrawing from this site:

1% daily ROI really sounds scammy. I had a few schemes like that with so many videos and scripts as testimonials to people's earning but I ended up to nothing. Whenever I try to withdraw from my wallet, there was always another condition to meet that they never revealed before. When I met one condition and try to withdraw again, another condition comes up. Endless conditions... So what are those people on the videos talking about? Nothing. They are just part of the scam.

The only way to test and prove the legitimacy of such scheme is to withdraw at least a portion of your earnings until the money reaches your hand.

I searched for "westland storage review" on Google and many results are saying it is a scam. I do not mean to ruin or discredit your post. I just want clarification if I want to dive into it, or even inform the public whether or not it is a scam.

I understand your concern, I have lost money on scams before, this site does not require you to invest, you can do the bounties and get paid for that. and you should never invest money you cannot afford to lose.
I like to try these sites out, maybe its a scam, maybe its not, i cannot say for sure until i get to the point where i want to withdraw

Right. For as long as you have nothing to lose then why not try it. Post an update if you find out something one way or another. Will you?

I will make another post when i try to withdraw and we get to see how it is :)

Good going! Hopefully, your next blog about it will be a better news. 😊

Do you have any proof of withdrawal of earned money? Are there any restrictions regarding withdrawals?

i have not withdrawn anything personally, but i have seen other people do it, seems legit to me.

That's Lovely!
Surely I'll try;

Recently I saw that you followed me, I give you a follow in return, I would love to invite you to give me upvote on my post, and support my project, I will upvote for you in the future.

I thank you for encouraging me and other artists. Keep on Steemin my friend!