Question for Crypto Investors

in #crypto7 years ago

So, I've only traded stocks and bonds all my life. I'd figure I would ask people who have experience.

Where is the best exchange or place to go to buy cryptos? I heard the major players have massive fees, but I have no idea where to even begin. I kinda would like to invest some spare change and see what happens.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Dividend Grinder

Sort: all the way

that makes two votes for bitstamp!

The best is GDAX as you can trade fee-free with limit buys and sells. It's owned by Coinbase which is also known as the best fiat on-road to buy crypto. You'll need to transfer fiat from bank into GDAX or sell some crypto inside Coinbase and then transfer the USD wallet into GDAX from Coinbase using the DEPOSIT button. Good luck trading!

thanks for the suggestion! and best of luck to you as well!

I recommend Fast and reliable. If you are more interested in Altcoins I would recommend

what are the fees associated with both if you don't mind me asking

0.25% for both exchanges. On bitstamp you will pay less if your monthly volume exceeds 100.000 $. But if you have that kind of volume then you probably do not care whether you pay 0.25% or 0.24% :)
I would´nt :D

Awesome thanks for the replies! Very helpful