Not many people know what Tezos is about.
Although Tezos is a sophisticated blockchain it can be simply described as:
Money Every 3 Days. All token holders get ~6% every year paid in Tezos.
To get involved you need to buy at least 100 Tezos (XTZ) which is currently worth around $400 USD from a crypto exchange, buy a hardware wallet like a Trezor T and choose a baker’s Tezos address.
tz1NEKxGEHsFufk87CVZcrqWu8o22qh46GK6You are then earning Tezos and your baker will distribute rewards to your address every 3 days. You can check the accuracy of your baker’s payouts on the website. My baker address is:
You can set up a wallet at:
And you can use your hardware wallet with this website wallet as an interface.
I’m happy to help anyone get started baking money every 3 days!
For more information head to our website: