The birth of digital money.
So far, we have been paying for international trade in dollars.
This has cost me a lot of time and money, and I have missed many opportunities.
But as time passed, people's demand also changed.
In the era of globalization, a new monetary system was needed to overcome the problems of the existing monetary system, and digital money was born.
Digital money is an alternative to electronic money, and both digital money and encrypted money belong to digital money.
This is different from cyber money used in the cyber world.
Because digital money is used to trade real goods and services.
In 2015, digital coins were beat coin, ripple coin and light coin.
Currently, about 1,000 digital currencies are being issued worldwide.
Experts predict that the main currency of the future currency war will be the digital money market, which will be very unique.
This will not be a definite physical region, but it will be useful in the virtual world.
In other words, the digital money market will be a major battleground for data and core economic resources.
Bitcoin is the first digital currency.
The birth of Bitcoin, the first digital currency, means the birth of a new monetary system.
The concept of bit coin was first presented by Satoshi Nagamoto in 2009.
P2P networks and P2P digital money built on open source software designed by Satoshi Nagamoto are bit coins. This is a transaction between points and decentralized payments.
The total number of bit coins generated is $ 2,100. With the participation of large investors, the actual value of Bitcoin has gone up tremendously.
I was able to buy a 1000-bit coin for $ 1, but now I can buy a 1-bit coin for $ 8,000.
Bitcoin developed rapidly, but there was no dedicated agency to issue and manage it, so management control was inevitable. The world's largest coin exchange, Mt. Songs, announced on February 28, 2014, that it filed a petition for civil rehabilitation in the Tokyo District Court. Mt. Songs said the trading platform was hacked in early February 2014 and most of the bit coins traded had disappeared.
It contains about 750,000 bit coins in the user's account and about 100,000 bit coins owned by Mounts.
According to the 28-day trading price, it was about $ 467 million in losses.
Ripple Coin is a bridge like the dollar and for money security, in May 2013, ripple labs created a ripple coin.
The ripple coin is the base currency of the ripple network, with a total quantity of 100 billion XRP.
Ripple coin is gradually decreasing as volume increases.
The operating company of ripple coin is ripple labs, and its predecessor is open coin.
Google invested $ 1 billion in ripple coins, Ford invested $ 200 million, and IBM provided hardware.
The ripple system is distributed on more than 50 servers on three continents.
This system can distribute hacking risk.
The main executive team consists of Chris Larsen, founder of Ripple Labs, Spinling, senior consultant, and Lian Perrier, a consultant.