This was an excellent breakdown of the issue. I found the Article by Super Crypto fascinating and it must have taken some time to compile. I also wrote a post on it and my opinion is that this breakdown is correct.
We do not always see the hidden hand everywhere and people would tend to rather believe it is not true to feel at ease but a recent video just further confirmed their involvement in everything (not just the crypto, fiat or gold market)
Even JFK spoke about them how many years ago. Now they rage war, execute false flag operations and steel trillions under our noses and no one seems to give a damn. If you have time see my latest post on it.
Like your take on the matter man, it is always better to stay calm in a FUD fed world but also plan according to new info that becomes available. I will not sell my crypto even if the market goes to zero (which I think is impossible) because I know what the potential is of the underlying technology.
The problem comes in when people that don't understand the technology spend money on crypto which they cannot afford to lose. When the market falls in this situation, there is not a lot of people that would be able to make calculated, logical decisions. This is when emotion takes control.