
really? I hope instead this will create fresh money for the crypto world

Well, the problem is that this oil which is supposed to back petro is still well below ground level and in the middle of nowhere - there is oil, all right but no infrastructure nor the ability to construct one. So, in reality, this petro seems to be backed by nothing.

didn't know about that! We have to see it... anyway having a president discussing about crypto world... its a great thing!

Nothing that comes for this specific president is a great thing... Trust me! He has no a little idea from economy... he destroyed our country!

All "socialists" are the same - we were used to say that socialism is like toilet paper - long, grey and only good to wipe your ass ;-)

who voted him them?


Don't ask me - I am not Venezuelan ;-) But I know all this socialist/communist stuff from the past - luckily we got rid of them assholes in 1989. But the fact is that if the distribution of wealth is very uneven (and there is a considerable number of people who have next to nothing and no perspectives to change that do exist) then this creates excellent conditions for crap ideologies of this sort. So I would say that this is a side effect of aggressive capitalism. Keeping the social equilibrium and sharing wealth is the key.