Cybercommunism or how to survive technological singularity.

in #crypto7 years ago


Hi there, Steem!

Have you ever heard about Cybercommunism?

CyberCommunism is the concept of an alternative future and a new fair world where every person will become a creator. In essence, cybercommunism is the highest stage of communism, with transhumanist ideology and scientific methodology. The overall objectives of the concept are; a uniform improvement in the quality of life, the development of a global scientific society, the improvement of man, through scientific and technological progress. For the implementation of cybercommunism, global socio-cultural and economic transformations are required. The transition period, during which the information society will be replaced by a scientific society, the market economy will be replaced by the scientific and information economy. At the same time, in the transition period, the states, governments, monetary system will gradually degrade, since their function will disappear.

The problems of capitalism and new perspectives

IMO, these thesises are to be mentioned

  • Growing unemployment, without the possibility of retraining. Mass automation is a threat to the existence of a market economy and, accordingly, the threat of the extinction of the indigent class (the proletariat) that does not have ownership of the means of production, provided that private property will remain in the technological future.

  • Growing poverty and social inequality, with the super-enrichment of the capitalist class. The deterioration of the standard of living is the immanent regularity of the capitalist mode of production, the mechanism of capital accumulation. The hierarchy of social prosperity is preserved only through the ignorance of the majority.

  • Growing tension. The principle of capitalism is competition, general hostility and the law of force, the continuous struggle of all with all. Capitalism has reached the stage of imperialism, which is accompanied by constant wars for the redistribution of property. Capitalists, dividing colonies, territories, raw materials and markets, easily go on killing millions of people.

"Provide capital 10% of profit, and capital agrees to any use, at 20% it becomes brisk, with 50% is willing to break his head, with 100% he tramples all human laws, at 300% there is no such crime, which he would not venture to go, at least under pain of gallows. Karl Marx "Capital".

  • Economic cyclicality of crises (recession, depression).

  • Salaried or wage slavery is a position peculiar to capitalism, in which the employee theoretically works by his own will, but in practice he is forced to trade his own labor force.

  • Monopolization of markets is the inevitability of free competition. All the largest brands in the world belong to a small number of companies. Food, cleaning products, banks, airlines, car brands, media companies, are all in the hands of several multinational corporations. TNCs are gradually monopolizing national markets and threatening the existence of state sovereignties. In this scenario of transnationalization, the world can remain in the hands of several TNCs with the establishment of their full power (Oligopoly, Corporatocracy).

  • The capitalist regime of production inhibits scientific and technological progress. With a market economy, the main goal of any manufacturer is to make a profit, R & D is simply not available for many companies or economically unprofitable.

  • Planned obsolescence - the creation of goods with an unreasonably short period of operation in order to force the consumer to make repeated purchases. It can be used as a direct limitation of the service life (the product breaks down, stops working), and various indirect methods of manipulation (out of fashion, support stops, etc.). Without a brisk turnover, the market economy will collapse, so the system stimulates aggressive and selfish consumerism, thereby drawing all of humanity into a cycle of meaningless work and consumerism, inefficient spending of resources and time.

  • Deficiency of quality goods. The discrepancy between the supply and demand for quality goods at an affordable price and the intensification of this trend in the period of crises.

"Traders and manufacturers falsify all edible products in the most unscrupulous manner, completely disregarding the health of those who will have to consume these products." F. Engels 1845

  • Growing differentiation of incomes of the population of the earth. The gap between rich and poor in the world continues to grow. So, in 2018, the major part of the income of 82% earned around the world, went to the wealthiest people 1%.

  • Growing crime, as a natural consequence of social inequality and unemployment.

"Capitalism is repugnant, it only bears war, hypocrisy and rivalry." Fidel Castro

  • The illusion of freedom and democracy, capitalism is the power of money and the financial lack of freedom of the majority, the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.

  • The decline of culture, social intelligence and the disintegration of society is a natural consequence of the society of material consumption and growing mass poverty against the background of enriching a small part.

  • Ecological catastrophe, depletion of renewable and non-renewable natural resources is a natural consequence of the consumer society.

Today we see how the imperialist system enters its ideal storm. And if we do not change the current order of things, then we face

a) global war;

b) rolling into the new Middle Ages;

c) depletion of natural resources;

d) turning the planet into a huge trash bin.

The old and the inefficient must go, giving way to a new and progressive. The existing monetarist / market / capitalist system must be replaced by a cybercommunist system.

Cybercommunism manifesto

Principles of CyberCommunism:

  1. The code must be open. It can be discussed and approved as the laws are discussed and adopted today. Open Source, Linux, Wikipedia and distributed computing systems can be used as samples in development.
  2. Computer-based decisions are always based on the calculated needs of people on the one hand, and the available resources on the other.
  3. At the heart of the economy should be the satisfaction of the natural needs of people, and not the pursuit of ephemeral profits.
  4. Competition vs. Conquer. Competitiveness, not competition (conquest, absorption).
  5. The solution of any problem is a question of resources and technologies.
  6. Information belongs to everyone.
  7. The planet belongs to all.

MotherEarth itself is here to help humanity get to the stars!

The choice is extremely simple: singularity, planetary humanity, physical immortality and cosmic expansion - or chaos, poverty, wars, obscurantism and the darkest Middle Ages.


well , I heard about the Universal Basic Income , it might help recover the Ideal democracy, but I like your idea of Cybercommunism though, looking forward about that development :)

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