We got our first publishing: Crypto World Zug Conference

in #crypto7 years ago

As you might have realised by now I am part of the founding team of @CryptoWorldZug

We are a group of blockchainers and Steemians that are located in Switzerland and more specifically in the Crypto Valley of Zug.

Since last year I have been running around the region from meetup to meetup but a lot of those where very similar in a sense that people were presenting some random ICO (mostly bad, some good) trying to get some Swiss money their direction.
This finally got on my nerves and it seemed I was not alone and together with some others we decided to start our own initiative to spread the word of crypto and blockchain in a region that is worldwide known as a Crypto Hub.

The result was our meetup group that started with a small core of volonteers and that has now grown from 20 to 156 members... We meet every Wednesday and everyone is welcome

The next logical following was our conference. On 12,13th of June we are organising a conference for people that want to know more about the world of crypto without getting to technical and want to see real life use cases.


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So now we are live and selling our tickets.

And then we got our first official publishing so we are really exited about this

Eine der seltenen Fachveranstaltungen, welche Blockchain und Kryptowährungen auf einem Level thematisieren, auf dem auch Newcomer starten können.

Die meisten Kongresse für Blockchain und Kryptowährungen setzen Basiswissen voraus, um Referenten und Vorträgen folgen zu können. An Fachtagungen öffnen richtigerweise Spezialisten ihre Know-how-Schatullen für ein eher gut informiertes Fachpublikum.
Dünner gesät sind die Veranstaltungen für ein interessiertes Publikum mit geringen oder gar keinen Vorkenntnissen. Die Veranstalter der Crypto World Zug füllen diese Lücke mit einer zweitägigen Konferenz, die sich auch an Newcomer richtet.
....klicke auf den Link weiter zu lesen

So I would like to add an English version here (translation is my own)

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies for beginners

A rare occasion that brings bitcoin and cryptocurrencies to a level that is also suitable for beginners . Most congresses on these topics assume a decent basic knowledge to be able to follow the speakers. In specialised courses and symposiums the professionals open their know how to a very knowledgable public.
Harder to find are those events that cater to those that are new to the scene or have a little knowledge. The CryptoWorldZug organisers want to fill this void with a 2 day congress that also aims to the amateurs and enthousiasts.

A good idea and thats why we want to introduce this shortly

A Conference (also) for newcomer

Crypto World Zug does not require deep knowledge but will dive a bit deeper before taking that new information wider. That is why the speakers will share knowledge and solid basics on the concept of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies. These basics will help to understand specifics and specialities in the use cases on day two.

The Speakers are true professionals in the business but will aim to take their audience down the rabbit hole in clear and simple English. They will look at best practice use cases, regulation, opportunities and possibilities without losing an eye on terms like Wallets, proof of work, bitcoin, altcoins, and leaving out FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) and FOMO (fear of missing out).

Target groups:

  • Businesses, consultants, legal experts, freelancers, startups, enthousiasts, and people that are interested in the subject and want to improve their knowledge.

Some Speakers:

  • Marco Abele, Founder & CEO, Tend Technologies
  • Cyrus Fazel, CEO, Swiss Borg
  • German Ramirez, Digital & Social Media Strategy Consultant & Coach
  • Sven Möller, Head of ICO Advisory, Swisscom Blockchain
  • Dr. Daniel Burgwinkel, Member of the Advisory Board, ncloud.swiss AG
  • ... more can be found on the website www.cryptoworldzug.io

The Conference

The conference takes place the 12th and 13th of June 2018 in Zug and is titled as the world of Crypto for everyone and will explain things in plain english

The participation is still cheap and afordable and costs 349CHF for 2 days incl lunch

More details on the event, the speakers and the organisers can be found on www.cryptoworldzug.io


Whoever hosts cryptoworldzug.io has to check if the https certificate is valid - because right now I'm getting an insecure warning and many people won't click enter afterwards.@felander

thanks for the warning, will check with my partner, he told me the issue was resolved

It will be an amazing Conference @felander! What a pity I can't join it. Difficult to make it working full time and having to deal with my daughter’s kindergarten schedule… :(

In any case, I’m looking forward to reading your posts! :)

will be a shame not to have you there but it is already great to see you every week at our meetups, thanks a lot for all the support you are providing there

The website doesn't have a verified certificate, send me a pm if you need help setup the ssl

thanks. will do if we need it but should be able to get this fixed :-)

Good post, i really like that and thank you for post about cryptocurrency, i got some knowledge