I am looking for coins which provide a passive income via airdrops or voting like "ARK" and "LISK".

Which will be releasing airdrops for the next years. You can see the % above.

Here you can vote for a delegate and usually they are giving out up to 95% (some even 100% but therefore you need a lot of ARK) of the forged ARK to the people who vote for them .

Also here you vote for delegates and most of them pay out a % to get your vote.

You can earn passively through delegating to Minnowbooster for example.

ETH LEND is another one were you put your crypto to work but honestly it is very hard to find a loan and the % cant compare with Minnowbooster for example.
So if it rebounds I will close my position here.
Is the coin of the IDEX exchange and they want to grow into a decentralised bank.
Every coin will be able to earn dividends from the exchange fees and coming projects.
Seems interesting according to their Telegram the payout system will start Q3 2018.
The coin is enjoying a big spike at the moment so I am waiting for a correction if I decide to buy in.
Of course we have masternode coins like DASH for example but I dont have that kind of cash to get the required coins.
You can stake XEM if you hold over 20000 and leave them in your wallet long enough.
QTUM you can stake via a raspberry pi or of course a PC/Laptop
but I cant have it on the whole time.
As I understand it there will be 21 delegated witnesses, who will be voted by the community. Will they ensnare the voters which payouts as well?

Not sure how I could forgot this one...of course we have NEO which earns you Gas as long as you hold it into your wallet.
Another type of coin/token that might interest you is Etheroll (DICE), Funfair (FUN) and SIACOIN (SIA).
Etheroll (DICE) token I believe pays out quarterly shares of the profit if there is a profit in Ethereum. FUN is still on Testnet. It is a casino licensing technology with the FUN token used to transact in gaming as well as pay fees. The developers also plan to burn any fees collected for the first 2 years. It is a fixed coin, and they have already done some burns because they had more than enough funding. So it doesn't pay dividend exactly, but it is deflationary, so it should drive the price up in the future.
And SIA is not so passive at first. But you can download their wallet, and then rent or lease out hard drive space and get paid in SIA token. Not sure how it works since I have not tried it myself.
Well, not trading advice, just some nice info.
thx a lot.
FUN is on my radar.
For Sia is my harddrive too small to make anything from it.
Will check out DICE. Thx for the advice
I myself don't have a space renting on SIA so not sure, but I imagine you need terabytes of space in order to do so. Anyone?
I have looked it a while ago and I dont remember exactly what you need but it was a lot :-)
You could include NEO on your list as you stake t you can earn gas and then there’s Kucoin shares that give you a revenue share of all coins traded on their exchange
Also theirs Nexo token that is underwritten by credissimo and allows users to get fiat loans against cryptocurrency assets and those who own nexo are awarded a 30% of the income made from interest spread over those who are holding
....I am not sure how I could forget NEO :-)
Kucoin I stumbled upon the last days and wan not sure if it is only for reduced fees as I have not really looked into that much.
Thx for clearing that up.
Nexo sounds a bit like ETHLEND only you dont pick the loans yourself which actually might be better as I cant get a loan to fund.
Thx a lot will look into those more.
I've put my money in a couple of 'exchange shares' type tokens.
KuCoin Shares (KCS) gives you a cut of every coin traded on the platform, which is great since they often hold competitions for who can trade the most volume - and kucoin is known for early adoption of coins such as deep onion so your passive income has speculative potential too. Added bonus that you get compound interest from people trading KCS but raw ROI is only 6% ish.
The other one is Cryptopia Fee Shares (CEFS), which gives you about
10%15% annual ROI, all in BTC, LTC, NZT and USDT - which means you don't get a ton of dust like you do with KCS.I'd be careful with that NPSX one, you get a passive income but I held too long on a coin (BTX) with a similar airdrop model and it dumped from $30 to $5 in a matter of days since people freaked out as we got closer to the end of the airdrop supply.
Never heard of CEFS but I will look into it. Thx a lot.
6% sounds not this exciting in this space...especially if you have dust but I am looking more into exchange tokens atm.
NPSX I was part of the ICO because I like the project.
It is usually the same with airdrops big spike before and hard sell off after.
I dont know BTX but seems like it took a nosedive before the big correction this year. I keep an eye open.
Thanks for the comment helped a lot
Mannabase will give you all-time rewards. Now only listed on stockexcange. If you like, here are link links from my platform.
It's still very cheap. I am very confident the future will be great. Thanks for sharing
I will have a look never heard of this project
this will give rewards every week after you register. even you do not need to buy it first. if you invite friends or family to register through your link link, then you will get double rewads. you can also check the order of the coins in marketcap
Amazing post. Steem tops all passive income models in my opinion. I would add one here. Have you heard about SmartCash? It rewards passively through two ways called Smart Rewards and Smart Nodes.
I am using Smart Rewards. Here's the detail.
Steem tops them all so far.
I know that Smart cash exist and that is pretty much all I know :-) maybe I should take a look into it.
Enjoyed the article! A coin that you are missing is Vechain, you dont currently get passive income from it but once mainnet launches at the end of June you will begin generating VTHO (thor) daily for any amount of Vechain that you have, even if you only have 1 Vechain. Also their are different node levels that will generate you extra VTHO such as 10k, 50k and 150k. On top of that I think it'll be a coin that increases dramatically in the future!
You know when this will be the case?
You can try SmartCash.
I am on it :-) The Wallet is driving me insane atm though
NEO oh mein NEO, wie konntest du das vergessen?! Ich halte schon seit Antshares und hoffe immernoch!! Ich hab an der NEX Lotterie teilgenommen und werde bald stolzer Besitzer von 1000NEX sein zum Spottpreis von 1000 Dollar. Kann man staken.
NEX sagt mir nix aber schau ich mal an. NEX Lotterie für ICO oder sowas?
Der Pre Sale ging geht über eine Lotterie und nur 25.000 Leute wurden gezogen und dürfen jeweils 1000 NEX kaufen was übrig bleibt wird in einer zweiten Runde verlost. Der Rest bekommt erst welche wenn es an die eigene Dezentrale Exchange geht. Insgesamt gibt es gerade mal 50mio coins, wobei nur 25mio raus gehen. schau dir das white paper mal an, sehr geil. kann man staken und wird. wenn ich das noch richtig weiß gehen 50% der trading fees an die token holder 😉
ist nen scam...aber ich würde sie dir abhenmen ;-)
probier mal in Runde 2 reinzukommen klingt intressant
nene, ich weiß da hat jemand gescamt mit dem Token Sale start, hab ich auch auf reddit gesehen, aber das ganze ICO ansich ist garantiert kein scam. oder willst du nur meine token? 😁
ja.... :-)
Thanks for sharing this piece of insight. Lots and lots of airdrops lately. I cant really say i will recommend any for now. All I want to add is that; it will be better if these airdrops switch to using Zappl instead of twitter to distribute their airdrops. As twitter is now restricting accounts that follow airdrops or retweet airdrops.
In some instance, twitter banned airdrop accounts outrightly.
weired....will see how this develop if they get rid off all crypto at one point
As a couple people have already noted here, smartcash offers smart rewards and you can also run a masternode which gives you about 6% a month. to run a masternode you need 10k coins and at current value its less than $1000 to do that. solid way to earn passive. It might actually rival steem as the best one.
Atm I am trying to set one up but the desktop wallet takes forever to sync....
Hehe love STEEM
passive income for delegations to robot,,,
but in fact, i don't have money to invest, so i still try to build SP from Zero :(
By The Way, i have added you to my fanbase trai @flipstar, even my upvote means nothing to you, but i love all of your contents, and you are such kind of good person in steemit that always help minnows,,,
Keep at it and all the steem will be yours :-)
Have a good knowledge of wallet. But how long can we leave money in crypto ? It is not known when the profit will be.
no one can answer that with certainty
you are right! thanks
you can also check electornium . it will be give you huge profit
Nice review!!!!

Good content @flipstar
Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold
This is so cool nerd!!!
Good content//
Good platform too!!!
Thanks @flipstar for sharing
Smart cash gives you smart rewards each month. Then you have Electra (ECA) with an annual return of 50 percent.
If you stake your Bridge coin (BCO) you earn a part of the trading fees on their platforms .
ectronimum i know is profitable coin.
steem and neo is the best for long term too so that's my favourite thanks for sharing about other too :)