This "dip" is the biggest one I have ever witnessed on my journy in the cryptospace. In withing 24h 70 Billion $ left the market. Do you know the reason why? Let us know your opinion. We are glad to hear it!
70 Billion Cryptocurrency Market Crash!!!
This "dip" is the biggest one I have ever witnessed on my journy in the cryptospace. In withing 24h 70 Billion $ left the market. Do you know the reason why? Let us know your opinion. We are glad to hear it!
All good I assume. People cant hold forever. Hitting 10k was a nice milestone to sell I bet
The complete wealth of Bill Gate disappear in a fraction of second ;)
XD True.
Which exchange would you recommend?
I use coinbase. No issues so far.
Sunny - what is your take on Paragon Coin now? followed you in the ICO but couldn't sell any before it crashed immediately. what is your strategy - love to know. love your humor posts
Hey cool that you ask about PRG. Keep holding. I follow them a little they are opening up a store in L.A. soon. I'm pretty sure we will see a rise in price in 2018. Just keep holding. I will announce it when I dump my coins!