Use Cindicator Bot to access the wisdom of crowd 用机器人展现大众的智慧

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)

In my long-term hold of Cindicator hoping it could rise to the moon, I also want to make sure I take full advantage what this project offers. In the previous chapter, I shared that you can take part in forecasting and win prizes depends on your prediction's accuracy.

Today I would present you another main feature, the Cindicator Bot 1.0.

Cindicatorbot - a telegram bot which sends hybrid intelligence empowered indicators for traditional and crypto financial markets.

Depending on your possession of CND tokens, you can access different level of indicators as follows:

Beginner >5000 CND
Crypto: Community choice, Event probability indicators;
Traditional: Event probability indicators

Trader >200 000 CND
All Beginners indicators plus:
Crypto: Weekly support and resistance indicators, ICO ranking v.0.9 beta;
Traditional: Weekly support and resistance indicators

Expert >700 000 CND
All Trader indicators plus:
Crypto: Price level indicators;
Traditional: Price level indicators

I personally hold 5k of CND to unlock the Beginner level, can't wait to setup and see what can I get from the bot. According to the record, their processed indicators on future events like price level and event probability were averaging at 80%. That is enough for me to call that high-accuracy indicator.

Register your ETH address holds CND using this guide. The process is mainly handled using Telegram as the Cindicator Bot is built on that.

Most important step is to send a 0 amount transaction to verify your address.

Done, I've got 5274 CND and able to access Beginner plan

Several options will be availble to play with after the verification.

Community choice

At the Beginner plan, community choice is one of the two features I entitled to. Every week we can vote for the listed option of different cryptocurrency. The highest voted crypto will be forecasted in the Cindicator app where the analysts and AI would take place to produce an indicator.

I chose STORJ for the next forecast topic, but if any other crypto assets won the race I wouldn't mind too.

Market events probability

There are two market events probability currenctly under forecasting.

Select the first event, displays the forecast questions.

This forecast is about to find out the cryptocurrency total market cap by February 28 which is think is really important for all the investor to be aware of. Personally, I don't think the chance for the market to fall below USD 400B is likely, but I would like to know how the people think about it too. Now we start to see the practical usage to Cindicator in collecting the wisdom of the crowd.

The result isn't published yet since forecasting and processing about the event are still undergoing in the Cindicator app. By UTC 14:00 the processed indicator will be published and I shall share with you again in the next post.


Though active trader like me could make great use of the Crypto price level indicators in Export plan, access to the plan itself requires 700,000 CND which is equivalent to almost USD 200k and that is way beyond my entire crypto profile already. But we will see how the Beginner plan can benefit me.

  • Setting up Cindicator Bot is easy as a breeze.
  • 5,000 CND can access the Beginner plan only.
  • Limited indicators available in Beginner plan.

Previous posts about Cindicator:

Cindicator #1 - Cindicator, another undervalued and strong project like old day's Steem

在长期持有 Cindicator 除了期待它会一飞冲天让我从此自由自在之外,我们也应该好好利用它所带来的各种功能。

那就是上次提到的 Cindicator Bot 1.0。这个机器人简单来说,会把处理好的市场预测信号发放给持有者。


Beginner >5000 CND
Trader >200 000 CND
Expert >700 000 CND

我刚好拥有 5k CND 可以解锁 Beginner 配套。那就看看里头有什么有用的吧。通过这篇教程把持有 CND 的 ETH 地址注册到网路中,这过程主要使用 Telegram 来进行。据我所知 Telegram 在大陆似乎需要翻墙才可以使用,所以大陆用家会有点不方便。


第一个就是 Community choice。社区在几个加密货币之间投票,得票最高的将会被选作为下期预测的对象。我选择了 STORJ,但是别的货币赢了也无所谓,我还是会得到预测结果产生的信号。

第二个是 Market events probability,也就是不针对某个货币而言的市场现象预测。现在有两个题目正在进行预测。其中一个我挺感兴趣的,那就是二月二十八之前加密货币总市值会不会跌破 400B ? 个人看来是不看好会发生的,但是听一听大众的预测又何妨?这就是 Cindicator 的有用之处,有效的集合利用大众的智慧。目前还没结果,有结果了我会再和大家分享。


  • 设置 Cindicator 机器人很简单容易。
  • 5,000 CND 只能解锁初级配套。
  • 初级配套并没有太多产品可以使用,但是表现还不好评估。

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Thoughts on the explorer level?