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RE: Illegal Prime Number

in #crypto7 years ago

Yes, we need a banner for the top's background, we need profile pic that fits the window, and a signature for the bottom of posts.
I will defer to your judgment for day/night backgrounds, I just want it to show up.

It is up to you if you want to leave it out.
I just like giving credit where it is due.I was hoping that you would put @skeptic somewhere in the work, so folks know that you made it and can come to you for more. Maybe @skeptic that flashes in a corner, or is a few shades brighter than the background.


Got a profile pict done.

ill email to you and get to working on the others.

This one has an extra 'c' on the leftside socials.
I'd leave, myself, but the folks will get confused.

In Witchita, Kansas there is a car parts store with an upside down sign, it does draw the attention.

Holy crap, i have no clue how that happend.
ill fix it.