Well hello there this is my secound post on steemit and also the first one related to how i started crypto mining lets begin
Before school ended about 1-2 months ago i read a post on a swedish pc group talking about mining and i got hooked i already had an rx 480 so i downloaded claymore and got ready to mine i started to get my own crew working together in my mine we worked day and night our graphics cards were crying
My workers decided to quit dont know why really i started to get in new contact with other people i grew my team stronger and faster the coins are raining in im currently mining ether sia and dcr on the sia mine we got 4 gtx 1070 2 rx 460 and one rx 480 on dcr we got one r9 390 and on ether its me the rx 480 and a friend with an r9 390 i know its not fast money but its a long time investment and im sure it will be worth it in the end
Interesting thoughts