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@hilarski - Sir congratulations for the success you made with TokenMagic... Power of your concept is revealing by this update Sir...


Followed @dollarvigilante and will join Anarchapulco.. @hilarski

Tokenmagic is going to rock 2018.

Our Company Token Magic is Now a Sponsor of Anarchapulco!

Big surprise & congratulations~

that's amazing i really wanna join the team . is i can directly join them or need so steps to be done?

Congratulations @hilarski , Glad to know that your company is sponsoring one the world's largest cryptocurrency and blockchain technology based conferences in Acapulco....

what we need to do to be part of token magic.?

During 2018 I will be announcing the ways the community can participate.

My proposal for you!
Please start a ITO based on Token Magic and you can use SMT for that! Congratz friend! This is one of the greatest initiation in 2017-2018 onward!@hilarski,


We are working on something but I don't think it will be a traditional ICO.

Definitely it's not a traditional ICO! But I think you might bring something much more powerful!@hilarski,


Thanks for the head-ups. Always great to see and get to know what is going on in crypto business around the world. It is not only the big player countries, the whole world is taking it on!!

Unstoppable, this is the best. Excellent update & congratulations

~Followed & Upvoted

always introduce wonderful project @hilarski, plz guide me that how can i joined your team.
you really do a great job here for the promoting and development of crypto world.

We will be announcing ways to work with us throughout 2018.

Anarchapulco sounds like such an amazing event. It's great to see Token Magic become a sponsor of it.

Great commercial of Anarchapulco!
I have followed most people in your commercial on YouTube for some time already and I can confirm this are great and reliable folks.
I’m certain the advertisement through steemit community will be taking over other companies.
I would love to be able watch all these guys not on YouTube, but on D-Tube!
Good luck!
You guys rock!

seems good hilarski,, we need this for better world

looks promising!

Can't wait to be the part of your team. When will you announce in this regard. I will defiantly be the 1st one who want to join you guys @hilarski. All the best!

@hilarski I cannot make it this year but next year I want to go to Anarchapulco. Always Grateful for the News of what is the big happenings in Crypto coming from you !

Congratulations @hilarski

Exceptional update & TokenMagic will go high in the air in 2018, best wishes for that...!!!

10% Upvoted by @MinnowsPower

Great project sir. thanks for the information and useful

Upvote Resteem

well its more good to give a new team and sure i want ot feel good to join your Team in Acapulco @hilarski and hope we get a good success which is your shared mission...appriciate your work and efforts to you and your globel experts team


upvoted and resteemedOh yeah, great suggestion and tell me what need to do to be with you? Thank you @hilarski

Hello @hilarski,

Our Company Token Magic is Now a Sponsor of Anarchapulco
Congratulations, extraordinary good news for all followers of yours. Best wishes for more successful year 2018.


That would be greatest news to Hey peoples,, wanna join this team. We have lot of opportunities from here. Token magic would be greatest token I'll surely tell.
Thank you for giving opportunity.

Yes it's great to have such a sponsor and be the owner. I'll be connected.

This is very important information. Token Magic is nice work.
thanks for sharing

have a great day @hilarski

I have taken after the vast majority in your business on YouTube for quite a while as of now and I can affirm this are extraordinary and dependable people.

I'm sure the ad through steemit group will assume control different organizations.

I would love to be capable watch all these folks not on YouTube, but rather on D-Tube!

Good fortunes!

I want to participate, thanks for sharing with us this beautiful project. Have a great day Sir.

Hello Sir @hilarski, What is Token Magic...? And How can I join your team. I'm a newbie and don't know much about this platform. please guide me. Thanks!

That's amazing i really wanna join the team @hilarski

@hilarski...very nice job we can participates in the part of token magic...thank you for sharing with us

Every time your stuff is wonderful and informative for steemian.Well Thanks for update important blog @hilarski

Keep it up

That's a good sponsor Tokenmagic will be great for sure :)

Wow!brilliant and amazing post sir.
Great post about Our Company Token Magic is Now a Sponsor of Anarchapulco!

Thanks @hilarski sir for sharing this post.😊

Upvoted & Resteemed your post. ☺

well its more good to give a new team and sure i want ot feel good to join your Team in Acapulco @hilarski

congratulation i really glad to heard that token magic is now a sponsor of anarchapulco great news best of luck for your company and token magic thanks for sharing upvoted and resteemed

The summary is that

you are working very well great work keep it up great post

This looks so captivating. Thanks for sharing

well posted thats a great option for all to join

Join Our Team in Acapulco as We Join @DollarVigilante for Anarchapulco.

Excellent working, great post thanks for sharing

Saya sangat gembira untuk menyertai pasukan anda

wooow thanx sir i will join it and i believe on you always that you give us some good and exellent chances to get some good in crypto like your always

Token magic provides very good expert advice.
congrat for anarchapulco

Las cryptomonedas son la presente revolucion y el futuro brillante.

I will definitely join your project.

Followed @dollarvigilante and will join Anarchapulco.. @hilarski

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