Bitcoin Hedge Fund Director: ICOs Are Having a 'Eureka' Moment

in #crypto8 years ago


The director of bitcoin hedge funds offered praise for initial coin offers today, arguing in an investor note that the novel fundraising method is already showing sign of significant advance.

The new comments shed light on how Global Advisors, a Jersey based investment firm that sells and buys cryptocurrencies, sees changes in the broader crypto markets, which have so far seen a boom in fundraising via custom digital assets in the year 2017.


Every boom has a bust. Most take place after the finish of an ICO, but Tezos is already announcing on their FB page that their going to screw small investors who didn't meet 'hidden criteria' that weren't mentioned in the process of taking their hard-earned money.

Tezo is destroying themself

Good article but I don't understand the title.

Thanks for the informative post