is doge still worth buying?

in #crypto3 months ago

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good to see you again have you currently bought doge? or are you still confused about buying Doge or not?

telling a story about doge, this is actually very funny. a crypto that was created just to be a joke, but its current price of $ 0.655 is a very high price. and surely you already know, that doge was enhanced by elon musk. i already bought doge when elon musk said dogefather snl May 8th. and I sold it 2 days ago.

then for now is it worth buying? I think it is inappropriate. this is a very high price. although many predict Doge will hit $ 1. It's just a prediction. the only thing that determines the high and low of the price is the elon musk.

I think Doge is very suitable to buy if the price drops to 0.56. this price is very suitable for purchase. for those of you who have just bought, you must be very careful not to let the doge you buy lose value.