New Affiliate - @Spooky

in #crypto5 years ago


For those not in the know there is a new streaming platform called (formerly known as that is trying to apply pressure to Twitch and other gamer streaming platforms. What makes this platform different is that instead of a traditional ECDN (Enterprise Content Delivery Network). Viewers are peered to exchange HLS (HTTPS Live Stream) file segments to reduce the work load of the originating ECDN and reduce cost of ownership and rewards viewers with cryptocurrency (TFuel).

Meet @Spooky


Watch Here:

An avid gamer from South Africa who enjoys FPS (First Person Shooters). His current game of choice is Valorant a newly released FPS. During other times he plays short games of Splinter Lands a game that rewards it's player in crypto-coins; or shares YouTube content to help improve game play.

He is highly interactive with his audience and rewards those with constructive discussion with emotes and various other prizes. Additionally he regularly runs "Giveaways" as part of the integrated platform.

He recently (on 6/6/2020) reached the affiliate level on which is no easy task, you must complete 3 Tasks

  • Chat
  • Steam Time
  • Viewer Engagement

Feel free to stop by the stream and see whats going on.
