Take a look at the future of #cloudstorage
Globally distributed data broken into small pieces.
Fully global #cloud network
#Storj #Tardigrade
Happy to see more people hopping on board, sign up here https://tardigrade.io/satellites/ for some free credits and give it a go if you're interested!
From Emal Safi CEO of Aircoins, an augmented reality game to collect coins while you're on the go - like Pokemon GO!
Our team has been able to successfully host 1TB of storage on a #decentralized node using #Storj protocol. We have also stored and backed data on a decentralized enterprise level #cloud storage using tardigrade.io
Decentralized cloud is the future! We are testing with small amounts of data but this can scale to petabytes. With enough nodes, decentralized networks will be more resilient and fail over proof than current cloud providers like #aws or #azure
Would love feedback from #cybersecurity professionals.