It's frustrating to not have any prior knowledge of the Crypto-World! Drop some knowledge on me...

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)

I see everyone around me making tons of cash, while I miss out on all the great things at hand.

I had heard of Bitcoin, and kind of thought that I knew what it was "It's like a digital version of a dollar right?". That is really all the exposure I ever had. I don't know how it ever avoided me so hard!

Then this crazy thing called Steemit fell in my lap(thanks to @robrigo and @matt-a), and exposed me to a whole world I never knew existed. I guess you can say that it bridged the gap for me. A cyber world, where there was something foreign and new at every corner.

I am coming up on two months now on Steemit and even though I figured a couple things out, I still feel like I'm blind and I don't know SHIT! I feel as if there is an entire library in front of me, and I have cracked open the first page of the first book. Or in a room full of information with no light source. I don't know where to look! Where do I start?

All of you deep knowledge havers out there, it would be great if you could maybe steer me in the right direction or help decipher the writings on the wall. Maybe drop a link or two, or hell, just reassure me that everything is gonna be alright! Hahaha

Thank you for reading this, and to whoever can come to my aide. lol

I may not know much about computer land, but I do have interesting interest! Follow me @intrepidthinker and check out my stuff.

Here are a couple of my recent post.

I also have some friends with great content, follow and check them out too!
@matt-a(sweet music you've never heard of\computer genius)
@robrigo(another computer genius\ the guy who introduced me to Steemit)
@kotturinn(cool Russian girl\always making some good food).


Good source of news and info:

Understanding blockchains at at least a basic level is good, so you know what you're getting into. Here's an 'Explain like I'm 5' version:
And the technical white paper for bitcoin:

Age old advice but it bears repeating: Don't invest anything you cannot afford to lose.

It can be tempting seeing the incredible gains some of these coins are making to bet too much, but big gains can also mean big losses.

Good luck!

Hahaha I'm sure the 5 year old explanation will help me! Your guidance is greatly appreciated. Thank you @youkaicountry

@youkaicountry is speaking wisdom, good advice.

It seemed like it came from a real place. No bullshit. I'm glad @youkaicountry took the time to, drop that knowledge!

It's easy!!

  1. Buy Bitcoin =
  2. Trade Bitcoin =
  3. Buy and hold Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash and Litecoin Long term.
  4. Trade Altcoins for extreme profits

That's pretty reassuring that you referred to it as easy. Hahaha
I'm gonna look into every word you said. Thanks! It is appreciated!

Store it all in a Trezor!

I've never heard of that. I will look into it. If I ever become a millionaire off of Trezor I'll know where I heard it first! Thanks for the input @btcmillionaire.

Have a read of this -

I was so happy when I finally got one. You really need to keep hold of your private keys or you may lose all your coins!

Ahhhh, well I feel dumb. lol I was thinking it was just another form of currency. I see. So instead of having an online wallet, this is basically an external wallet? That definietly seems a lot safer, especially with hacker geniuses lurking about. Thanks for exposing me to the Trezor! Better safe than sorry.

No worries :) You definitely do not want to store a lot of Bitcoin on a web wallet. You don't have to use a Trezor (there are other solutions), but it is worth thinking about!

Buy some coins and use them to pay people to explain things to you via Skype. Probably there are people who are willing to explain things for very cheap prices.
This is the best explanation of the blockchain technology that I have seen:

For investors, this is an important site:

I didn't know you could pay someone to explain stuff. lol That was a great explaination! It helped me understand it better. Thanks!

You CAN do this, but knowing your financial situation and aspirations, I'd advise against this. Hang around this community long enough and you will understand! Make friends, join communities, get involved, etc. It will begin to click and as you make friends, people will be more than happy to depart sage wisdom on you while simultaneously becoming better friends. Knowledge is free!!!

Yeah for sure. I agree! I just didn't know that was a thing. Lol